That logic. Picking up orbs after super is fully charged recharge the most shitty melee in the game (titan). Picking up orbs after super is fully charged recharge the best melee in the game (warlock) AND one of the best nade sets. Why not the other way around, at least titan grenades are good, but nope, warlock needs a buff, UNDERSTAND!
Yet again warlocks are favored
Bumpity bump
I sometime wonder if they really play their game. It's not that the titan is underpowered that much, it's just that everytime they have a chance to even things out, they miss by a mile. I have killed over 7200 warlock and more than 8800 hunters for about 5600 titans, it's not hard to tell which class is less played in crucible. And if there is a thing that is sure, it is that no matter what FPS you play, if the PVP community play less with something by a quite big margin, no matter if it's gun or class, it is because it is less efficient.