What're your opinions on it? I've been watching and reading some stuff about it lately, and the game looks incredible! I've been following this game for a while now and I wanted to share. So share your thoughts about it! [b]Yay, or Nay?[/b]
I have been following this game as long as the next person( since E3 2013) But I have lost most of the hype due to a couple of reasons. 1. The stealth and melee approaches are completely gone. 2. People are bulletsponges 3. The graphics from this year's E3 was on maximum graphics PC. The console versions are trash compared to the gameplay. 4. It looks more and more of a typical cover shooter that will most likely fail to live up to its hype unless they listen to the community. [b][i][u]Just a thought[/u][/i][/b] 5. Look what happened with Ubisoft's last AAA title.. ugh... Unity...( saying the name makes me think of bugs) I hope it does not end up like the failed hypetrain of Unity but I have a bad feeling that it will be more bugged than Unity.