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Edited by The Ripper: 8/23/2015 12:34:37 AM
As always, right on the money with this. You beautifully articulated exactly how I feel, and it sums up my reasoning for not going forward into year 2. I have the feeling that my time spent is just flat out not respected, and we aren't talking about the 20-30 hours put into many games. This is hundreds of hours, a solid month of my life, in my case, devoted to playing this game. And much of what I got out of that time is being left behind. I hate hearing, specifically on these forums, that we should judge our time spent on the content we actually played. That's just BS, the content is and has always been severely lacking. It was fun and fresh the fist few times per activity. Past that, it is a repetitive drag of a gear grind, with the lack of actual content compounded by a horrid reward structure. The gear grind has very precious few pieces that we have been fervently seeking. The rewards were too few and far between, and the drops repeated themselves way too often. To go through all of that and then have that gear invalidated and made obsolete is the biggest slap in the face I've remembered feeling in forever. With so few unique pieces, you would think that going forward you would expand the arsenal by giving players more choices in addition to what was already so hard won. The fact that they are instead choosing to replace that gear rather than expand it tells me that they don't feel they can be creative enough to make new gear that would entice us to use it over existing gear. Their answer? Remove the choice from the player, and completely strip the player of everything but the memory of the acquisition. For me, most of those memories in those months of playtime are not fond memories. They are filled with frustration, bitterness, even dread of having to run through something I've done countless times over, putting myself fully in the hands of an RNG system that has little to work with, and slim to none drop rates. And still, I [i]Devoted[/i] my time to this game, continuing to play solely based on the perceived potential, rather than looking at the facts of a dev team that seem to have no idea what they are doing, do not value player investment or feedback at all, say one thing then do another, and can't show the slightest bit of transparency regarding the games' direction or future. On those few occasions where the dev team does make contact with the player base, they have spokespeople who come across as smug, arrogant, condescending, even seem to troll us regarding hot button issues. The time for holding onto hopes based on potential has long since passed, for myself at least, especially now that my eyes are wide open regarding bungie philosophy. No more money will be thrown in bungies direction from me, and all the best reviews in the world(assuming TTK gets good reviews) won't be able to take away the fear that this will all be repeated in future expansions. Ok, rant over. Nice post Mal, though I'm far past believing that any community feedback on real issues will ever make a difference. You can say you tried, I guess. Edited for a couple of grammatical errors

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  • Loved the rant, dude. Totally agree with ya.

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  • Agreed, I would add the fact they added etheric light gave the impression Bungie understood the need to keep gear persistent and current, we all understand tweaks nerf's buffs etc. but the outright your gear expired design philosophy that was evident with TDB and now again with TTK does not sit well with the community.

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  • Much agreemence, I didn't enjoy fighting Crota a hundred times for a few missing weapons, I do love greasing Atheon with a machine gun, but much of the playtime is to avoid losing some potential reward.

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  • I loved this game, spent more time here than even BL2......which is really saying something. Best part is that I managed to get my wife playing alongside me, she has a warlock and a hunter, and we have had great fun. I've defended Bungie at every turn, because I believed in this game, and now feel a bit foolish to be honest. Why invalidate players time after pointing out that you didn't want to invalidate players time? Why even bother with a weapon update if most of said weapons won't even carry forward? Why talk about how balanced the Necrochasm was for testers in TTK if it's no longer a viable option? This game of words seems to have gone on to long. Say what you mean, tells us how it will be. Stop trying to please everyone, it's impossible. Above all VALUE the time we invest, along with the money, in the game you designed. We are sorry to lose you guardian but I for one can understand your frustration and anger. I hold out a small measure of hope that they will listen, and if not change things, at least tell us WHY they decided to go this route.

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  • I was a borderlands junkie myself. Bought bl2 first on PS3, then on 360, then handsome collection on ps4. I loved playing that game, and I too am sure I put way more time in to destiny. I hear your sentiments, and share them. Good luck in your adventures guardian and may the future be good to you should you choose to stick it out.

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