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8/22/2015 9:58:24 AM

Ideas on the Vex Origins [Part 2]

[url=]Previous[/url] So, now that I’ve discussed my ideas on the Vex’s origins, I’ll go into detail about their goals and, as this part revolves around the Timeline in Destiny, there’s more direct evidence Their main target is the traveller on Earth, but they can’t risk attacking it because if Humanity goes extinct then Paradox and that’s really bad for Time-travellers. Their goal then is to make themselves immune to the effects of this paradox Atheon appears to be working on this as we see in his Grimoire Card (which, granted does call itself speculation but it points us in the right direction) [i]“Perhaps the Vex seek to worm their way into these calculations: to become a law of reality, inseparable from existence. A virus in the system.[/i]” Atheon, Time’s Conflux Card Now we’ll get to the specifics of the VoG later on, for now let’s just use this as evidence of their intent and move on to the juicy stuff, the Black Garden Here we see the Vex worshiping the Darkness because it’s a force beyond their comprehension, as speculated by Ikora Ray in the Sol Progeny’s card, what if the reason why the Vex are doing this is that they believe (or even just hope) that the Darkness is so powerful that it can stop the laws of Physics themselves, and stop a Paradox so that even if Humanity is no more, the Vex will continue. A symbiotic relationship, the Vex protect the Darkness by lifting it out of time, the Darkness protects the Vex from their own laws of Time-Travel And now to complicate it even more, another timeline! This one is the Timeline where the Vex are successful, The Heart of the Black Garden is fully realised, they become immune to paradox’s and destroy the Traveller, Humanity, and there was only Darkness. The timeline of the Sol Imminent, the Descendants This explains their appearance, any pretence is gone, they are creatures of the Darkness, fully embraced, with armour pitch black. But this is not how it happened, we destroyed the Black Garden with the advice of the Stranger (as an aside the two theories on her) (a) Someone from this potential Timeline who has used Vex Tech to come back and stop them much as they did to us (b) The FWC Theory Either works and isn’t the important point here, what matters is that this future has been stopped, and the Descendants can only exist in The Vault of Glass, where a fragment of their timeline still remains Now, why hasn’t a paradox wiped out the Stranger? Well the paradox only becomes real when there is no possibility of the event occurring, Humanity’s extinction is relatively easy, however the Black Garden… we know from the Undying Mind strike that the Vex are capable of rebuilding the Black Garden so while they exist, that Timeline is always a possibility. And now the Grand Finale [i]“Look into the Vault, Guardian, for it is said to hold powers the Progeny were meant to bring forth." - The Speaker”[/i] Black Garden Card The Vault contains the Vex’s best shot at achieving their goals, how so? Well when we enter the actual Vault of Glass, we witness Descendants and Precursors existing alongside each other, past and future together Past those Timegates, we’re crossing over, seeing the Vault of Glass in the Original and Potential timelines, home to the Precursors and Descendants, worlds so Dark they’re practically toxic to Guardians, who are only able to spend limited amounts of time there. But Atheon is bringing these worlds together, and in doing so is creating a link that, when complete, secures the all-important middle timeline where we exists, by tricking the laws of reality into letting the Vex exist because they were before, and after humanity. That’s the meat of my theories, but there are some lose end’s I’ll talk about in Part 3, what the Vex are doing now that we killed Atheon?

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