You're a mess. Do you have the brain off a 5 year old? Posting crazy shiit like this on destiny forums -_-.
This is Offtopic Sir, totally different beast
[quote]You're a mess. Do you have the brain off a 5 year old? Posting crazy shiit like this on Offtopic forums -_-.[/quote] Fix'd
Wasn't broke in the first place buddy but thanks?
It was though. You said that this is the Destiny forums which is incorrect. The Destiny forums are a subforum on the forums along with #OffTopic. Please remember that #OffTopic does not like #Destiny and would like it to remain separate.
I'm using the destiny app so these are the destiny forums (y)
No, this is the Destiny app which allows a gateway to the forums. This is #OffTopic which is a subforum. The Destiny forums you speak of are on the app under #Destiny. But in no way does the app say "Destiny Forums"
I'm using the destiny app, these are forums on the destiny app so they are the destiny forums... End of story pal, move on.
You are possibly one of the stupidest people I have ever talked too on these forums.
Says the one who hasn't stopped taking my bait... Like I said pal, move on.
Oh so you're one of those attention whores who has too use bait to get replies and attention. My opinion on your intelligence still stands.
Hahahahaha you're too funny pal. I sense a little butthurt?
No, I just have no respect for people who need to use controversial topics or insults too a mass, or even just act stupid too get attention
Wow. You're boring me now. Muted.