You know what's really pathetic it actually makes me cringe irl when I read it, is when people edit a thousand times just to say, "omg guys we be trending yay"
"Lol 100 posts yay trending page one"
"Omg so pooopular we trending"
"Guys am I a trend?"
"Holy I'm to trendy for you, my trendshakes bring all the boys to the yard and they're like, I'm trendier than you"
Seriously shut up, people will forget you faster than a goldfish forgets...... Well everything.
Also if you noticed a TREND in his gameplay aka he was basically afk, then kick him well in advance, you had your chance and literally chose to be a pond scum piece of shyt low life mouth breathing burden on society.
What console are you on, mate?
X1 what doEs that have to do with anything