I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Will Ghost Shells be a droppable item in The Taken King, or are they only purchasable?
Will you give us a response on the international pricing issue?
Month 1 player here. Will Xur sell former is exclusives when ttk releases? IE 4TH HORSEMAN, HAWKMOON, ETC.
Too bad this was necroed. It was in reference to an earlier stream. There has been no indication that Cozmo will be fielding questions during this stream.
Can we please have access to older gear through the vendors and etc.?
Will Iron Banner have updated weapons? Also, what about Trials of Osiris? Will these stay relevant?
When you pop. Do you have to lock before you drop it?
Will the emblams have any perks/buffs to your character?
Question why 200 legendary cap across all accounts ? How many exotic wepons and armour are going to get a skimatic and if possible witch ones and would some come out later on ? Most important one - I share all the content with my roommate he content shared with me so I could play with him and I have done and finished all dlc and raids and stuff for year one will I still be able to get the year 1 exclusive shader and emblem and sparrow or not ? Bungie plz answer the last one so I can breathe easy I asked gamestop and they did not know
For people who got the digital collectors edition, are we going to receive any Information for those who owned both dlc's and bought the collectors edition before you decided to let it become available outside of the digital collectors edition? Please bump if your also wondering
Why is it £40?
Will we be able to get updated trials armor and weapons? What is going to happen with etheric light?
Skill based matchmaking for Trials?
Will the Iron Banner have a point other than filling server time? This week's IB is pointless because of the changes in TTK. Will the IB in the future have a purpose because BUNGIE promised events to run all year for purpose, we have had little to no events that have any meaning or purpose. We need a reason to play the game!
This didn't work last time. Why should it be different this time?
The great wonder[spoiler]dez nuts[/spoiler]
Can someone give me a link to the complete steam today?
Is the strangers rifle relevant of any kind in the TTK? Do I need to keep it in order to get the exotic no time to explain?
Cozmo...please no more vault questions xD please please.
On 24JUN15 Luke Smith told us in a weekly update that $80 Digital TTK CE preorders would be told what we would get due to the price drop after our purchase. What is being done?
Q1. Will eligible current exotic items transform into the new versions on 15SEP15 or will we be required to repurchase them and fully level them again? Q2. In order to gain maximum benefit from infusion do I need to fully upgrade the sacrificial weapon, just max the experience, or doesn't it make a difference? Q3. You told me not to Dismantle [u]ANYTHING[/u] and I have 36 weapons in the vault and 87 perfect forge weapons on my Characters, after I fill up the new vault on Day 1 how will I know the best way to deal with my amazing inventory?
This is old and all he did was ask the questions people posted as it happened. Waste of time til then.
Any update or reveal on new Achievements/Trophies for TTK?