[b][i]Please sit down, lets talk[/i]. [/b]
Why is that when others get gjally from Xur you seem, quite angry. Why is that?
Would you be happy for people who have grinded 1500+ hours into this game to finnally get it?
Would you be happy for people to get an exotic who don't have one yet to be this one for there first?
Why is there a difference in your answer?
Its because of the fact of how OP this weapon is and how "rare" it is that makes it feel like you deserved it, right? I feel i deserve this Gjally because i did POE/NF/Crucible. So -blam!-ing what. I have played for 1500+ hours into this game and haven't gotten one yet, you know why? Because of RNG and RNG means that drops are random. therefor you "earning" it is a load of horse shit. As there are many people who haven't reveived one because guess what the RNG isn't in there favor. And if you're butthurt because you "earned" it, please realize that other "deserve" it too.
[b] Well, I damn well earned him selling it.[/b] Feel Free to leave your thoughts below.
[b][i]EDIT 1:[/i][/b]
(7 hours after the Xur arrival, coming back to the forums of saltiness)
I have now been scanning the forums since about 30 minutes ago and I have seen a lot more post of, "I quit because Xur sold gjally, or anything of that sort.
My reaction to that is, well uh, please quit. We are a community who doesn't need salty buttthurt people who complain like you in it, and over what? A WEAPON THAT MAKES THE GAME EASIER TO PLAY ON PVE! SO SIT DOWN STFU AND QUIT CRYING, JESUS CHRIST!
(Say this to anyone who brings up that gjally was sold, or if an arguement breaks out)
[b][i][u]Anyone who is butthurt over a virtual weapon has a mind of a immature child, and can't handle people getting the same toy as them, fact of the matter is that they're selfish asshats.[/u][/i][/b]
[b][i]EDIT 2:[/i][/b]
Share the post if you see legit rage about this on the forums. Let's try to change the minds of these people who are sponsored by the Morton Salt Factory.
[b][i]EDIT 3:[/i][/b]
If you're saying you won't raid or play with someone without X amount of kills with gjally, would you kindly get a foot out of your ass and realize there is a thing called skill and to me that's worth more than a weapon.
"If you don't have 3000+ kills you're booted" Like wtf is wrong with you, and if your argument is that you earned yours, that argument is completed invalid because you can only earn 8 exotics which are the ones from bounties. Crazy right? So yea if he sells thorn that earned argument is completely true.
I'd be pissed if he sells that ya know why? Because it can't happen by bungie's rules. You didn't earn your gjally. It's RNG so please shut up.
Well said
RNG is totally useless and meaningless if all u have to do is wait till xur gives u the weapon u need. bungie should take a decision. rng or xur another fail from bungievision xD
Xur should sell it. Marketing or RNG, get those hard to obtain exotics out there. Although, I do wish he sells Monte on 9/18.
All I'm saying is that people are greedy
Already had 3 on my Xbox account. Now I have mine in ps4 woohoooooo
Personally I'm happy that all the people who don't have it will get it, it's a fun exotic and really strong.
Cheers mate! I have a clanny in the same boat. Now we no longer have to run 9 raids every tuesday, plus hebgets 3 off the bat! Enjoy!
I'm glad he sold it so my friends could use it.
Edited by HoCkEy 1415: 8/14/2015 11:10:26 AMIm just upset because they sell it at such a low strange coin price
I agree. The only way you "earn" an exotic is by doing its exotic quest... and even the the quest drop is random. I didn't need xur to sell gally (would have preferred ice breaker) but if I hadn't received one from RNG, I'd happily buy it.
Bet there are some elitists who got their first from a PoE 28 complaining now that Xur's selling it.
thank you!!
I already had my 3 gjallys (I was blessed by RNGesus) but I'm so happy xur is selling it. Finally all those idiots saying it was taken off xurs loot table will be shut up.
I agree Who cares if xur sells it. That's good because it gives everyone a chance to have the most op weapon before it is nerfed. I hope all who purchase their gjallahorn enjoy it :)
I have my doubts that the G has a lower drop prob than other exotics. Might be wrong but I believe its a bit placebo by the have-nots. I think of a random exotic or one I particularily like and I realize it drops just as less. Am I wrong? For some stupid reason I like hard light( ridiculous, I know, but I just love that Gun).I have played quite bit and it only dropped once.
1500+ hours And 2700grimoire. Yea keep talking christmas noob
Well said
Edited by vitisku1: 8/14/2015 10:59:15 AMI agree with what you said. Just one thing differs, and it's a contextual thing only. You say nobody's earned it. You know what I say? -blam!- it, everybody's earned it. Well, not everybody, but, day one players who've played this game day in day out, doing all nightfalls, all weeklies, all raids. Have tolerated attrocious connections in PvP. Have been exhausted for work because you've stayed up a bit too late the night before cos your raid team wasn't quite clicking, have endured the same bounties every day to get one more circle on that piece of weaponry or armour you like. Yes that person deserves it. All those people deserve it. I got lucky after 800 hours and got my first, I now have 3. To those guardians who weren't so lucky, go buy your gjallahorn, unlock those wolf pack rounds, and go melt some faces. To those unluckier than me, I'm so happy for you guys, I just wish you could've seen that yellow square pop up as a random drop. But whatever else, go enjoy yourselves this weekend
Enjoy its pre-nerf glory for this last month. Get a group together and one-teleport Atheon for shits and giggles, no-teleport the templar in around 30 seconds flat, gjallarsmash Qodron and other such PoE bosses. Use it to create firework displays after a raid. Cherish it :)
I can relate so much...
*claps* You can never be more right
Woo now i have all exotic rocket launchers. yoohoo.
Be a therapist you can help people with Saltyness. Pretty huge and widespread
1500 hours? You must be a scrub lol
U earned the coin to purchase it so u earned it