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8/13/2015 6:46:47 PM
>Be me >Be playing Battlefield Hardline >omgdowntownisbestmapever.jpg >Go up elevator to roof >Prepare shield >2 guys trying to shoot me >lol.gif >While they reloadin pull out 970MAGNUM AND BLAST THEM BOTH TO MO!@#$%^FKING ASHES >heh.png >Message recieved from Xx_420ScrubReker696969_xX >"Scrub your bad" >Be me >Think of clever response >"If Im bad and I killed you then you must be awful" >"Stfu scrub" >[url=]Winning[/url] >Proceed to be MVP >See Xx_420ScrubReker696969_xX at bottom of list going negative >trollface.jpg

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