I really don't see why this is getting nerfed at all. Who can convince me? It makes no sense...
The nerf comes w TTK. Legendaries can't be ascended making BH obsolete w TTK. Why did Bungie bother w this gun at all? Makes no sense unless raid weapons can be ascended. The amount of players running low level raids and content are going to be a small percentage if the playerbase. Why waste the time on tweaking the BH? Oh, that's right, because dedicated pvp servers aren't a higher priority. Fixing a soon to be obsolete gun is a much higher priority. We're gonna get 400 dmg snipers in TTK. Who's going to keep using a 331 BH? Or even a 365 BH if ascended? Who even needs EL for any weapons anymore when there's no point to ascend anything you haven't already? The no ascension news basically killed any reason to do anything other than pvp for fun, or chase grimoire. They ended HoW replay with one statement. They buried it dead. I bet their HoW content play numbers/stats look like total shit.