Petition to have DattoDoesDestiny as a community representative in the upcoming Taken King Twitch reveals.
He's much more mature than the HoW community representatives and I bet he will find out everything we want to know.
Sign for Datto!
Edit: For those who don't agree. Try to explain why not. Also, thanks for bumping!
Edit: Come on guys. Mature opinions would be greatly appreciated :/. Lots of people signing! :)
Edit: Cozmo replied! Woo!
Other suggested representatives:
Planet Destiny Team
Sc Slayerage
More console
Mr Fruit
[b]Obligatory "We have 1000+ bumps, including Cozmo" edit.[/b]
Datto Holtzman Tefty LeopordStealth A serious personality. Thnx.
Datto is trash. What makes him so great at PvE? What makes him better than me or you?
Datto would be a great choice. He plays the game a lot, and is very informed and up to date on it. He would also ask tough questions so we could get some answers. He is probably the best candidate.
How about you invite someone that is actually entertaining and not swinging from Bungie's nuts.
Datto is a nose-voiced fool. I really fackin hate his videos, voice, and personality.
I just pray to Jesus, xur, deej, Luke smith, master rahool, etc that they choose anybody other than 'ProfessorBroman'
Sign sign sign
True Vangaurd would be a better pick. May not have the same broad knowledge as Datto but he doesn't sound as whiny. I like Datto but he does sound whiny
no I don't want that skinny ignorant -blam!- to be in the stream
BDobbinsFTW would be much more interesting.
If it is all you can, remember this: I was here... (Signed)
Why not Mr. Fruit?
I agree datto is pretty good. Plus the sheer amount of time and effort that he puts into each video is commendable.
Yess.. So much yes.
I would also like to see Arexx gaming
No. We need Cozmo more.
When is the stream?
Yeah, it'd be great having someone that could get actual information instead of just screaming and forever being called bromnigul
Sign here to have Mr.fruit go on TTK stream!
Datto or planet destiny YES. Signed.