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Edited by Grumpy N Old: 8/7/2015 6:00:01 AM
I agree 100% with Malphisto. And furthermore, if TTK involves no longer allowing ascension of Year One gear I am done with this game. I have put over 3000 hours in on 2 profiles but I will remove the game from my Xbox HDD if you do that. Period. I took 3 characters to rank 5 in Iron Banner last week. I WANT to love this game, but since hearing that every second I played it last week and every second I play it between now and 9/15 , and every other of the 10 million plus OTHER seconds I've played so far for that matter has been and will be a complete waste of time I haven't even loaded it. I'm betting your server traffic is an indication that I'm not alone in this decision... For the first time in nearly a year I'm playing OTHER games and all my friends that played Iron Banner with me last week are too. Here's a tip you greedy jerks. It's NOT all about the new players. Yeah, I know you stand to make more money off new blood, but if you don't keep some of us around there will BE no base to make your game great and lasting. To make it anything more than a traded disappointment. A flash-in-the-pan monument to poor corporate decision making. Did it ever occur to you that all you have to do if you want us to stop using the Thorns and the Gjallerhorns we worked so hard to get is put something BETTER or MORE INTERESTING into the arsenal? You don't have to jerk them away from us and spit on us with your new more powerful Green crap. All this wishy washy flip-flopping with nerfs and buffs, really just makes you look like you are incapable of getting it right. What kind of sense does it make to bother nerfing ANYTHING if you're just going to wipe it all anyway? I'm OK with nerfing the Thorn's DoT. To be honest getting killed by that has been annoying and the only reason I play with it instead of my Fatebringer is because if you can't beat 'em you might as well join 'em. It IS way overpowered. But the Gjallerhorn? Here's a concept, make Wolfpack rounds an available perk on OTHER rocket launchers. And while we're on the subject, why is the frickin' Thorn the ONLY GUN IN THE GAME WITH DoT???? THINK, man! THINK! I don't play with the guns I do because they have high damage ratings. I play with them because they fit my playing style. They're fun to work with. I ground your Raids SO many times. I have three maxed copies of almost all the Raid weapons. I have three Gjallerhorns (5 if you counted the 2 I've broken down along the way). I ground and ground and it was all for nothing because the nanny state developers at Bungie have decided that a few whiny little kids in Mommy's garages need some freshness because they don't want to put the time in to get the good stuff. You want fresh, get off the couch and go take a shower. Me, I'm OK with some freshness in ADDITION to all the cool stuff I've learned to play with and love. But I want all the work I've done to build a collection of weapons that are fun to shoot crybaby newbs with not to amount to a lot of wasted time. I can promise you this. If that IS what happens, I won't waste a minute more of my life on THIS game. I certainly won't buy your 3rd DLC. I'll bid you adieu and move on. I'll just have to fall in love with Halo or Elder Scrolls again. A lot of the trolls proclaiming their happiness about this slap in the face to the base are people who weren't here from the beginning. When the VoG was the only Raid it was pretty lame but we kept at it because we were all hoping the DLC would increase the amount of fun stuff to do. But then when you released TDB and there was no ascension, the game got pretty lame because nobody wanted to play VoG anymore. What was the point? So we were back to where we started. Playing a game with one Raid. Then HoW came out and BOOM!!! It was fun again. You could get parties together to run BOTH the old Raids AND PoE and Trials. VoG is fun. TDB is fun. PoE is sorta fun. If you do this, it will literally be impossible to get anybody to put in the effort, so we're back to playing a game with one Raid and worse because most of the people I have been playing with all this time, who stuck it out all this time have said basically what I'm saying. If they do this, we're done. Moving on to something else. 'I hope Halo 5 is good.' Heard that a few times this week. 'Honestly, I'm getting pretty tired of playing a game with no trading system anyway.' Right? 'Come play Elder Scrolls Online. You can TRADE!' Hard to argue with that. I have several guns in my vault that my friends want, just hoping for the day you let us share our stuff. But you're definitely going the other direction it looks like. Out with old. In with the new. Boo. What these trolls don't realize is that what you're talking about doing isn't just taking the guns and armor we love away and forcing us to eat your new crap. You're taking away most of the content of Year One TOO. Good luck getting your friends to help you grind to GET your Fatebringer or your Fang, new kid. Ain't happenin'. Grinding for a Fatebringer was a big PART of Year One. Now my kids will never have the pleasure. The biggest complaint I've heard about this game, from the beginning, AD NAUSEUM is that you have to do the same crap over and over again. That there isn't enough to do. That was true up until HoW. Then it kinda wasn't after HoW. Now it looks like it's gonna be again. The way to FIX that isn't to take away all the old. It's to ADD TO IT. I'm tired of lesser minds deciding my fate (so wanted to say Destiny) and even lesser minds defending it because they're too lazy to grind for the good stuff. And honestly, if this is the reward we get for grinding so hard for all that time, just to have our prizes jerked away like this, can you possibly be stupid enough to think we'll stick around and do it all over again and more, PAY you for the pleasure? If our efforts are wasted, do we keep wasting them? Really? This will end your credibility with a lot of the community. Honestly, just the THREAT of this ends a lot of your credibility with me. OK, so NOW you say we can ascend our favorites, but how about the NEXT dlc? You need to retract this crap NOW. 'Oops, sorry, we're dumb'. And FURTHER, you need to PROMISE this subject doesn't come up again. I'm with Malphisto, this should not even be a DISCUSSION ITEM. Ridiculous breach of trust. Why are we still even talking about this? Trolls keep comparing this game to WoW. Moronic. In WoW you literally have a BAZILLION things to choose from and a BAZILLION unique things to do each with new and interesting rewards. You don't like your gear? CHANGE IT! You don't spend enough time with any of it to CARE that much about it. AND YOU CAN TRADE! Destiny is NOT like WoW at ALL. There's not NEARLY enough content in this game for you to ditch the old. PLUS, that's exactly why a LOT of WoW players quit playing WoW and a lot of other games like it. 'Well, they took my fun away and now they're making me grind for this new crap that sucks. Deuces.' Maybe the new stuff won't suck, but at this point, in light of the HoW gear, my hope meter is at an all time low, and even if it DOESN'T suck, what if I'd really RATHER play with the guns I've mastered. They're extensions of me now. Don't chop my hands off and tell me it will be OK because you'll sew some new ones on that I'll get used to in time and then expect me to stick around for the next chop. Maybe that's cool with you, if we don't stick around. But if so, you're not looking at the big picture. Most of the dissenters to this position say, "I'm OK with it because I'm kinda getting bored with the old gear ANYWAY." So give THEM some new stuff to play with. If it's good maybe WE'LL start playing with it too. I fail to see how letting US keep our Raid weapons in any way prevents THEM from enjoying all the new stuff you have in store for them. You don't like the old, play with the new. You don't like the new, too bad, you already had to delete all your old stuff to make room in your tiny little vault for all this new stuff you don't even like. Cheers. I wouldn't wait too long to make up your mind and announce that you've made a horrible miscalculation either. That 'you listened to us' and decided not to be scumbags. The longer I play something else, the less likely I am to care WHAT you decide. I can't remember ever going back and playing an old game after I've moved on to something else, but then again, I've never put so many hours into a game before either. Who can know? Speculate on that. You say you listen. I'm hoping you do. I haven't bought your TTK dlc, though I was about to before your little revelations this week. I won't buy it unless you change this. I know that nearly everyone I play with will either be abstaining or seeking a refund for it and are already moving on in their minds to other things. I hope you make the right choice. It's getting really hard to defend my love for this game.

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  • Yeah, my thoughts precisely. Its also nice to start seeing youtubers beginning to put out videos about this nonsense as well. More media attention to put more pressure on them to fix it.

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  • AMEN! BUMP BUMP BUMP! Wish i could like this 100 times. BTW, I played Campaign mode in ESO last night. Got waxed by Veteran 14 players galore, but it was actually pretty fun.

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  • Very well said.

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  • Edited by Malphisto: 8/8/2015 5:30:24 PM
    Oops, wrong comment, sorry about that XD

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  • Well said.

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  • Edited by Malphisto: 8/8/2015 5:30:36 PM
    Oops, wrong comment, sorry about that XD

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  • Massive wall of text crying over a few virtual guns. Pathetic. Grow up.

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  • How was that a wall of text? O_o

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  • Edited by Grumpy N Old: 8/7/2015 5:16:36 PM
    If it was just the weapons that would be bad enough, but it's not. It's the content. I LIKE playing the old Raids but if the rewards are marginalized nobody will want to do it just like when TDB was released and nobody wanted to run VoG anymore. Even with the handful of new activities coming with TTK, this game is very short on choices of things to do. If you marginalize all things Year One we're right back to playing a half baked game.

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  • I agree with you about VoG and CE. I hope they announce something soon as it will be a massive shame if Destiny's best year one content is abandoned. They've already said they've updated all the vanilla story missions into a new structure and I hope this includes the raids.

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  • I'll definitely be watching, but judging by prior decisions to water down the game and artificially slow progress and generally STEER and restrict our gameplay, I'm expecting worst case scenario on this. This game was billed as BIG and OPEN and so far it's the been neither. What they're talking about makes the player experience smaller. We don't need LESS we need MORE. It's like Sol's was saying, 'addition by subtraction' seems to be the order of the day. The one thing they did in the last year that brought people back who had previously quit playing in large numbers was the introduction of Etheric Light. Everything else was pretty much a zero sum or a negative as far as the population impact. And now they're talking about discontinuing that. What makes games like this great is large community. When the community thins, the game dies. I'm hopeful but not optimistic. The good thing is that if people go away, they'll make changes to entice them to come back. The bad news is that when you jerk people around enough they stop paying attention to you altogether.

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  • Non-substantive and unresponsive troll. Irrelevant. Grow up.

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  • Great post however i strongly believe you miss the actual reason why they are getting rid of year 1 weapons. In order to do that you need to look at wder picture. What did they announce in last month , Black Hammer , Icebreaker , Ghally will be nerfed with some other weapons. Now they are also nerfing the year 1 weapons because they believe VOG weapons are too powerful. The actual reason why Bungie is leaving year 1 weapons is not introducing new weapons. It is for introducing WEAKER weapons so that game playing time will artificially increase. They are lazy on creating content and instead they are giving you weaker guns so it will take longer time to kill boss's and complete the game. This is all an effort to increase game time , nothing further. They choose not to invest in content and yet still they choose to take away the content we earned in year 1. Lame as hell and one of the biggest corporate bullshit plans...

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  • Yeah, and a lot of people who are defending this decision apparently don't even know that Bungie already tried this once before with Dark Below and then they came out and said "yeah, sorry guys, we messed up! But here's Etheric Light to make it all better!"

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  • And seriously, WTF? As if the bosses aren't all bullet sponges already? COME ON! Make a product worthy of your legacy you losers.

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  • Skolas is a bullet sponge too but it is fun to kill him , the reason community is not focus on killing Skolas is the lack of checkpoints ( another great corporate decision ) , terrible quality rewards , the moment i received elemental guns from Skolas , i dismantled them. They don't even deserve a place net to my other trophy collection :) In order to save Destiny , Bungie needs to depart their way with Activision and unfortunately it will not happen. That's why we should accept the fact sooner or later , Destiny was a good experience but it only lasted a year.

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  • It will when no buys the game

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  • Edited by Grumpy N Old: 8/7/2015 5:15:12 PM
    Yeah, some of my buddies have run the 35. I have abstained, though for exactly that reason. No checkpoints=GARBAGE. I rarely have the 3 to 4 hours it could take to complete it and even when I do, it doesn't necessarily line up with my buddies. Sad. Really sad. It was so awesome there for a while. I sign in and nearly everybody on my friends list is playing the same game. Oh well. 'Maybe Halo 5 will be good.' :-)

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  • You're probably right on point. But that's all the more reason to tell them to shove it and go play something else. Let them watch us give our dollars to somebody else.

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  • You have had 3000 hours of entertainment for about 100 dollars...for me thats damn good fun per dollar ratio. Dont take it too seriously, Even if they keep the old gear significant you are still going to grind for that "sweet new TTK helmet" or whatever.

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  • Seriously, troll? I could give a crap about the money. I've spent three times that in the last 2 DAYS on my fish tank and it's not NEARLY as fun. The game is fun. That's not in dispute. I'm not asking for a refund. But I wasn't buying a couple of movie tickets, popcorn, and sodas. They billed this game as a 10 year odyssey. It's fun now because I've built a gun collection that I LIKE playing it with. I put in the hours and ground for it. Them marginalizing our favorite toys to MAKE us quit using them since we thumbed our noses at their unimaginative HoW crap for the most part, 'just because' makes it a lot less fun. Less fun enough that I find myself re-evaluating whether it's worth it to grind for ANYTHING in this game anymore and coming up with a clear answer, 'no'. Why waste my time collecting stuff that I'm just going to have to delete if I want to progress to make room for all new stuff? There's plenty of those types of games out there. This is NOT that kind of game. They keep telling us that. They keep telling us they want us to build 'legendary' characters. It's hard to BUILD something when somebody keeps coming behind you and knocking it down. I mean, if you really think that's fun, why not just delete all your stuff every couple of months and re-run the whole game? You don't need Bungie to do it FOR you. I was a tried and true 'Desticle'. I defended this game to my friends when NONE of them wanted to play it. Now I'm playing other games for the fist time in a LONG time because they were right. Bungie + Activision = Somebody Needs to Get Fired. They said they were going to give us something epic. Starting over every 2 or 3 months or even every year is NOT epic. But you can stick around and grind for all new garbage legendary guns with Dreg and Shank perks using your all new white guns if you like. If that's the only option, I'm out.

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  • Cool, I like fish....Lets just see when TTK comes out. We dont have all the information yet. Too soon to jump to conclusions. I get your anger tho.

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  • Edited by Grumpy N Old: 8/7/2015 8:46:22 AM
    We'll see. I'm not holding my breath though and I'm not wasting any more time playing Destiny in the meantime. The decision making at a corporate level regarding this game has been pretty abysmal since day one. The one ray of light (no pun intended) was Etheric Light. And in 5 weeks, I'll be so absorbed in Elder Scrolls I probably won't even care. Maybe do like others have suggested and skip a DLC or two, wait for them to beg us all to come back with the 'reintroduction of Etheric Light' and pick the DLC up at a discounted rate then. :-) P.S. you actually seem reasonable. sorry for calling you a troll.

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  • I think we can blame Activision. This game is not what Bungie intended it to be, Im sure. Yeah taking a break from the game is a good idea. I did it when i got bored of the vanilla version (even sold my PS4) but now Im back in. TIME WILL TELL. No worries about the troll calling. We are all friends here arent we.

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  • Exactly. I mean if we had known that this was going to happen? We never would have bought the game in the first place, because its not as if the content itself as impressive enough to last even more than 20 hours. And we're $100 into this by now, and now they want at least another $40 on top of that to basically make that first $100 totally pointless? Its horrible. DeeJ: "Old gear will have a place with old content." Its such a -blam!-ing insult to everyone.

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