originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
Hi guys,
I'm creating a simple angularJS project to grab some info from my characters weekly progress. All is going well in terms of fetching data thanks to the help pages and online searches I did. There's just one thing I can hardly find any info about and that's the additional parameters at the end of an api get. The ones added behind the & character.
Is there a list somewhere on what is what?
&definitions=true gives you an explanation of the data you requested
&mode=<number> filters the result (just found this https://gist.github.com/jdstein1/76efaf11e664133f3ca8 )
But there are more that might improve my efficiency I presume. For instance on the site above I also see:
lc=en, I assume the language of the result
fmt=true and lcin=true, got no clue what they do.
Is there a list or something about these?
Many thanks!
might be me, but adding, for example, ?mode=16 behind the activity link doesn't filter the proper game mode :( nor does count=1. not sure what i'm doing wrong here. but with the new stuff i just learned about angular, i'm going to re-write the entire thing anyway to make sure it as easy as possible to maintain and expand as needed.
lc & lcin are just saying what language it should return ( English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese ) im dont know what FTM is, and its not documented. For your knowledge: URL extensions is a [url=https://www.google.nl/webhp?&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=URL+extensions]toplevel domain[/url] Everything beyond the '?' in the URL is parsed as GET
The two params you're interested in aren't terribly interesting, but if it helps: lcin is whether you explicitly want localization to "inherit" from the English locale - that is, if it should fallback to English when it doesn't find translated text. fmt indicates whether you want to force string data to be HTML encoded, whether or not the service would implicitly do so. This is usually not relevant, it currently gets used in a couple of very infrequently used legacy Activity services where we can return results in "plaintext" or "html formatted" form. Yucky! I regret it, I'm not going to lie.