Depends on your interest and stuff. I had gamefly for years due to the amount of games I played but finally settled down to a few.
There is an addictive quality to destiny I've never come across Most shooters I beat on hardest difficulty then shelve Not usually reasons to replay No goodies to unlock
Well Destiny did get some things right and many others wrong. I feel this is a wrong move but that's my opinion. I am not moving forward with TTK until I read the reviews and forum comments. If I believe its worth the money then I will buy it if not oh well. Too many triple A titles dropping soon to worry about it.
It still blows my mind reviewers thought it was 7.8
You thought higher or lower. Cause I'm leaning towards 7 maybe.
1100 hours on my first profile 100 in this 1 Replay value a 10 Controls. A 10 Guns and armor a 10 Strikes crucible and raid quality 9 Strike and crucible map quantity a 5 Story maybe a 6
Story was 5 at best. Raids, strikes plagued with issues and cheap boss skins-6.5, replay- 10, controls-7, Guns/armor- Still no ghally after 1200 hours- 2. ;)
Controls are easily a 10. So smooth
Tell that to relic holders, sword bearers and jumps that get you killed in pvp. Lol
I've done a ton of raids and crucible Issues are not control related More server issues
I've done over 200 and I still don't agree :/
Guess to each his own