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Edited by D-MacLP: 8/12/2015 10:57:26 AM

So Bungie just told us..

That the day The Taken King releases. All that gear your grinded for for hours on end and worked hard to get is becoming useless. All that ascending for nothing. Thanks Bungie. I'm cancelling my pre-order. This is just pathetic. [b]We're getting remodelled weapons with different names and colours. Devil You Know and Revelator have same base stats. Red Hand IX and Lone.Rebel have same base stats. Deadshot Luna SR1 and B-Line Trauma have same stats. I'm so happy to dismantle my favourites for identical overall base stats DUPLICATES. Everything will continue to be the same. Yes "move on" to "better weapons". All that changes are the name, colour and a slight adjustment to the models.. The attack value goes up. Yet THE BASE STATS WILL DUPLICATE.[/b] Edit: Yes this is my first MMO. Yes I love the weapons I am currently using. Yes I love playing Destiny, gameplay is incredible. Yes I will complain when things piss me off. Edit 2: This is an MMO. This isn't an MMO. I really couldn't care less about the genre. Edit 3: If you're happy spending money for your weapons, that you worked hard for, to become obsolete then good for you. I chase the weapons. You may chase armor, grimoire, experience or enjoy doing the same thing week in week out. Insults don't affect me, in fact it shows how low your intellect is. "They said wait" they shouldn't have to. They shouldn't let people jump to conclusions. They shouldn't let misinformation be released. Edit 4: unlike the majority. I rarely use my fatebringer. Final Edit: After reading many constructive replies and having checked in on Destiny today. I've decided I'm going to have to line up all my weapons and start cutting them out. Keeping all exotics and useful crucible weapons and those I consider to be useful.

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  • Its only legendarys that are becoming useless

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  • People need to calm down. They're not going to give us Xbox players Hawkmoon, Monte Carlo and 4th Horseman, just to turn around and make them obsolete almost immediately. Unless they want incite a Riot... At some point we're going to have to leave our legendaries behind. They're going to do Twitch streams to explain how everything is going to work and answer our questions. We just need to standby.

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  • Please do more research before whining, your old gear can be used to upgrade the new legendaries That's why cozmo said not to dismantle anything. Also, would you like to use fatebringer for 10 years? There's no point in playing if we just keep the same guns forever, that's why house of wolves lasted for only a few weeks, as everyone was max level and had the best weapons almost instantly

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    3 Replies
    • People keep forgetting that this will render all end game items useless too. There will be no reason to do vault of glass, Crotas end, prison of elders, and trials of Osiris. It's a [i]seriously [/i] stupid move but Bungie doesn't understand the concept of "optional".

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    • Wtf was the point of grinding iron banner?! All that shit for nothing i guess

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    • It is funny, for months people have been saying this game is NOT an mmo but a FPS with mmo qualities as an excuse for the low amount of content. Now that hard earned weapons are being nullfied it is an mmo. I'm sorry even with TTK Destiny still does not have enough content to be an MMO.

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    • For all complainers:Ok so you haven't play ant MMOs right? so destiny is a MMO, what does that mean is that new year will be better than old gear, legendaries will be still be useful in crucible, exotics will always be powerful,ok next, to all of you who says "oh I am not paying $40 bucks for a dlc! -blam!- you Bungie !!!" Ok the TTK it's NOT a DLC!!!! It will be a complet new different game, and 40$ for a new game is a good deal! But there will be stil people saying:"oh but we don't know what the TTK will have stupid!!" it will have more gear than vanilla destiny and the two DLCs combined! And it will have more missions, exotics and more! I will not post the other new stuff (the list is big) so Go to read this article "20+ new things to be exited about TTK" with this new info, it's almost guaranteed that the TTK will be better than vanilla destiny and all the DLCs combined, this info is confirmed by Bungie and it is new it was published today, so if you like to discuss with me go for it CHALLENGE ME BASTARD!

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    • Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking When you fall everyone stands Another day and you've had your fill of sinking With the legendaries held in your Hands are shaking cold These hands are meant to hold Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong Move along, move along like I know you do And even when your hope is gone Move along, move along just to make it through Move along Move along So a day when you've lost yourself completely Could be a nightfall where your life ends Such a heart that will lead you to deceiving All the pain held in your Hands are shaking cold Your hands are mine to hold Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong Move along, move along like I know you do And even when your hope is gone Move along, move along just to make it through Move along

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      • Ugh they're not deleting everyone's gear

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      • Edited by fnky143: 8/5/2015 7:16:11 AM
        Providing the gear is good I don't see the problem. However you can't really blame people for being skeptical based on how monumentally bad the weapons were in the DLCs. People only used things like Fatebringer because it proved viable and the guns in TDB really didn't offer anything significant as a step up from VoG. Being able to ascend older favorite gear in HoW made is easy for people to overlook the fact that HoW weapons were utter garbage in all but a few cases. We all secretly knew that Year1 stuff would eventually bite the dust but it was nice to be able to hold on to the good stuff and enjoy it in HoW until its eventual demise in Year2. Those 'tough decisions' DeeJ mentioned are kind of easy due to the quantity of **** weapons within HoW. I made the decision early on that I would wait until all the facts were out first before making any decision. Heck, I may even delay it until sometime after release, but we'll see what else comes out...

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      • Shut up they're gonna give us a shït tons of fücking guns and new armor that's [b][i][u]BETTER[/u][/i][/b] Christ stop bitching.

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      • Edited by KazeNoTsuyoiDesu: 8/5/2015 6:35:05 AM
        I might agree with you on the canceling thing. Way to many hours grounded. I'll wait for clarification

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        7 Replies
        • Hahah I love your editors comments

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        • Goodbye. Go away now.

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        • This game needs variety... People moan everybody uses the same guns and gear so in the ttk they are implementing ways for you to be different. You do realise you can still use fatebringer etc and guess what i bet when you start playing your get new weapon drops better than the fatebringer, voc etc and you will slowly stop using them. Personally i cant wait im bored of using 3 guns (gally, voc and fatebringer) and im sure in the new dlc ill get new drops and better varients of those i liked from year one. My suggestion is stop crying about any bit of news that comes out accept change and variety or just stop playing and do us all a favour.

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        • No when it drops, maybe a month after. But yeah. Change is good man, maybe there will be a weapon better than what you are currently looking for. Besides, exotics will still be top dawg.

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          4 Replies
          • They think I'll grind for a entire year just for them to say -blam!- you and strip everything I worked to get,pouring months into the game to get what I have? Yeah. No. The "op" weapons wouldn't even be a problem if they used some lateral -blam!-ing thinking skills and thought ahead on what they plan to do with the game and balance shit from the get go I refuse to regrind every 12 months after they keep making the shit I grind for every year completely useless.

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            3 Replies
            • Edited by rapping cow2547: 8/5/2015 5:12:20 AM

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              • I'm just done with it. I loved destiny:(

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              • Cozmo said that all exotics are ok And, that raid weapons might also b ok

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              • UPDATE: Jump to 5:56 "Don't dismantle your gear just yet, Y1 Raid Items may not be completely left behind"

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              • I think this past DLC is a good example of what would happen if we could level up year 1 legendaries to year 2. We'll go back to playing a looting game that everyone hates. In all honesty, besides trials weapons, what legendaries from HoW has everyone been using? Like 3 at most. Her benevolence, Ill will and the fulcrum are the only weapons I ever hear about on the forums. Seriously if we could upgrade all our stuff for the next expansion, we'd just be as disappointed as we were with this expansion.

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                2 Replies
                • Melodrama much? Yes, useless because the game is going to instantly jump from 365 to 730, and all your stuff will just disappear. Instead of, you know, stepping up to something like 399. 😏

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                  • If it was useful and had some benefit for any length of time then it was not a waste of time. Bro look at starburst.. Takes ages to peel the paper for a tiny chew! All that grinding for minimal reward!

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                    9 Replies
                    • The old Legendaries and stuff we grinded for wasn't to be used in PvE for the next ten years. That would become incredibly stale, we grinded for those for the events of that time. ALL Old Gear will still be viable in Regular Crucible. Only place it won't be is in Iron Banner & Trials.

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                      • no way! I wont be using fatebringer, black hammer, and gjallarhorn for the next 10 years ? [spoiler]#Sarcasm[/spoiler]

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