Master chief any day. But the real question is: master chief or pre nerf skolas? Or even The Chief vs pre nerf valus bulletsponge?
Hows about Chief vs Atheon?
Those are close fights my friend
How ever as I've begun to love shotguns and appreciate them I've found that gut busting her with an invective or a reforged dry rot with solar damage and full auto will actually bring down her health at a pretty good pace. But the first time I did will of Crota my fireteam took more than 45 minutes on the boss fight and we never once had to restart it
Valus is still a bullet sponge. But he's less bullet spongey. Now if we wanna talk bullet sponge than you have to mention omnigul. She is the literal queen of being bullet spongey
I honestly can't say who would win because I never fought either of those bosses.