The Taken King should be changed to The King of Taken your Money.
The DLC is overpriced at $40.
It is not worth $40...Activi$ we ALL well disgusting when it comes to scamming people.
Destiny is on its last leg with milking beyond belief since both Bungie and Activi$ion know that all the good games are coming out soon (SW Battlefront, Uncharted 4, Deus Ex, Doom, Fallout 4, Dishonored 2, Need for Speed 2015, etc.)
This [url][/url] is the King of Taken your 💰's theme song.
Reduce the price at whats truly worth ($20) or you WILL lose sales Bungie and Activi$on........
I can get so much less for $40 than what we've only been told we're getting from TTK For forty dollars I've gotten: 1.) sick from eating 'authentic' Chinese food 2.) six month membership to the totally cool and super hip web browser mom Adventure Quest Worlds! 3.) a week's worth of gas 4.) a pair of goes that feel like I'm wearing wood 5.) the dark below and house of wolves dlc bundle 6.) sex with my now hated ex girlfriend (we bought a bunch of food cause she got high and I was also suffering from 'the munchies') 7.) a foam master sword and a rubber pistol 8.) my own star in the universe 9.) wolverine claw props that I can't use because the tips can in fact fatally injure someone 10.) a Scottish claymore 11.) 38 hot wheels cars 12.) a hot wheels track set 13.) 8 yo-yos 14.) a night at Buffalo Wild Wings with Paul Germain 15.) did I mention how much I hate my ex girlfriend, she took three months of breaking my heart only to indirectly tell me 'sorry' You get my point right?