Just curious :P Mines probably the new monarchy shader, Praetorian Foil, the conduit the original fwc pulse rifle, the beta and founder emblems, the GameStop sparrow, and finally the focused light from the red bull codes :P
EDIT: Let's bring the forum back to life :) Taking King has been out for a little over a month now so what is some new loot you guys have got?? Let me know down below! For me it's probably a fusion rifle with 2x knee pads (didn't know that was possible), the debt unpaid from the cryptarch, and the raid handcannon and sniper with firefly :)
The Supremacy Blacksmith Sign of Containment
Edited by Cyanide: 8/2/2015 1:18:30 AMThe cloaks that my 2 34 Hunters are wearing Revenant, Amalthea, Carthage 0100 shaders The Telihad War: FWC Faction ship
Praetorian Foil
I just hate people who make a ton of edits to their thread about how many comments the thread has
Two to the morgue, time on target, against all odds. Check my lock for the morgue, what makes it rare is that mister rahool(yes, he somehow found it in his heart to give this to me) decrypted a legendary from Mars patrol
Thanks for the edits saying how many replies this idiot thread had gotten, because you know we can't see how many replies there are when we click on the link
Praetorian Foil & gally
My new monarchy shader, amalthea, or something like that.
Fermi solution. 2 new monarchy shaders, 2 fwc and 1 DO. Vanquisher v2 with counterbalance, rangefinder and perfect balance. Hopscotch pilgrim.
Edited by More Cowbell: 8/2/2015 2:23:47 AMBones of Eao, the Fermi Solution and two Praetorian Folis
Revenant TOO shader and ship (got them week 1 of trials) Had artic proxy before you could buy it
Edited by Acey: 8/2/2015 1:10:49 AMJackolyte Focused light Themisto/Nefertiti/Amalthea/Revenant/Bittersteel/Babylon/Nineveh faction shaders Praetorian Foil Sign of the Founders/Founders Seal/Sign of the Elders emblems
A good looking hunter.
My Revenant and Bittersteel shader. Also maybe the Praetorian Foil if that's rare.
Grim citizen III
Focused light ghorn and vex mytho.
Preadyths timepiece
An old growth redwood Fender Telecaster, only 400 in the world.
The crash. On my hunter
Zombie Apocalypse
Edited by Hawpy: 8/2/2015 12:27:08 AMAll 4 New Monarchy Shaders, one of their original Warlock Bonds (The Risen Ones) and their ship Weapon-wise, probably FINAL BOSS.
Sun of osiris
Edited by Decayed_Persona: 8/2/2015 12:43:54 AM365 zombie apocalypse V8 All vanilla vendor cloaks inc iron regalia, cloak of hidden agendas and starwindwinder cloak Full hunter, iron regalia armor The Fermi solution The Knowhere shader Inner chamber and founders emblems All VoG weapons Strangers rifle