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Edited by Murph Tha Smurf: 10/27/2016 6:55:11 PM

Europa RP

Deep in the galaxy, there is a system by the name of Europa. A band of soldiers, mercenaries, and grizzled veterans drift through space going from mission to mission, aiming to rid the world of evil and get rich in the process. They are called Fireteam Cyprus, and ride through space on the Cyprus Cruiser. History: The group had a rough time on Mars, fighting against armies, hostile wildlife, and inhuman beings. Not to mention the high tension and near all out war between certain members of the team. The crisis was averted by peaceful words and logical actions, these ideas would usually be Murph's job to bring about, but he was alone on a planet called Zorada. He wandered, wondering if anyone would ever come for him, or if they wanted to, or if he even wanted them to, after his hostile actions, and the murder of a man named Felix. The crew (or most of them) however, shook it off, knowing he was not in his right mind when he did these things. They came after him, and we're now scouring the planet for him. Following different trails of evidence led the group to a large sinkhole, protected by a barrier. They were able to lift it by passing Trials, which they later learned were just tests made up by Providence to be sure they were prepared.They were moments away from getting through the barrier, yet they had no idea what they were stepping into... After what seemed like forever, the group found Murph, only for him to be torn from them again, for the world had to be saved. Murph did not survive, and is now recorded as [url=]KIA[/url]. The group moves on to what they hope are greener pastures. However, turns out they end up working for an old foe, Del Fino. Phantom is captured, and Minerva and Python are stranded on a nearby planet. With the Genesis out of play, Del Fino musters the strength to attack the Axion Cruiser. While they are recovering, Scout, an old friend now on the side of Del Fino, is found lurking the ship. She is captured and interrogated, and the team now prepares a full scale attack to finish Del Fino once and for all, and rescue Phantom in the process. The rescue did not go as planned, losing many members, including Python and Phantom, leaving Minerva as the last surviving Genesis. Feeling alone, she soon [url=]fled[/url] from the team, and was not found for long after. Her fleeing caused strife within the Axion mercenaries, along with the loss of their role models and leaders, and eventually led to it being disbanded. ------------------------------------------ [b]10 Years Later...[/b] After the loss of the Genesis, (Minerva missing and the others presumed dead) the Axion crew fell apart. However, a new team began to form, gathered by the same allure of treasure and adventure that once gripped the members of Exalin and Axion. Once the team had gathered on the Cyprus cruiser, they located a base used by the Exalin team long ago. They found clues pointing to the existence of Genesis, but we're soon distracted by a mission requiring them to investigate a destroyed city. They found the creature that did it, and eliminated it. Or so they thought... Stuff happened that OP has no idea about because he was afk. Feel free to PM a short summary of this section of the story if you have time. Bored, most of the team look into jobs at the bounty board. One job sparks an interest in something bigger... Joshua and Vilnaks return with a hostage, reporting that a group of mercs was sent to retrieve information and possibly eliminate Cyprus. Out of leads, they continue to work on the case of the biggest assassination of the decade. They discover many pieces of evidence pointing to Genesis. But not just one, all of them. The group is stumped. Before they can think of a new plan, a large missile tears the Cyprus out of the sky. The ship's pieces land scattered, separating the crew into smaller groups. They are forced to fight harsh conditions, scavenge for food, and even build their own shelter in some cases. They wonder who's doing the ship's destruction was, and why the planet was deserted. Soon they found themselves fighting antimatter copies of the Genesis, and Minerva. After a long and hard battle, Minerva is struck down after activating all limiters at once. She is left to bleed out as the crew leaves, finding a new cruiser and claiming their reward after confirming Minerva was the assassin. After drifting for what seemed like no longer than a few hours, but was in reality probably a few days, the crew gets reports of massive rocks called "Leviathans" crashing into planets, destroying most of them with the initial impact, then spreading a blue crystal that gives off an extremely powerful radiation called Phazon. The remaining people on these planets began to rise and mutate beyond recognition. Reports also came in saying Minerva was spotted attacking multiple GF bases. Perhaps the Phazon had gripped her. Seeing that stakes were higher than ever before, Cyprus convinces the GF to release Phantom temporarily, and he is convinced to create an entire second wave of Genesis supersoldiers. Even with their new upgrades, Cyprus still struggled to face the beasts they encountered, the Broodmothers, the Beserkers, each nigh impossible to kill and creating more with every victory. The crew is lucky to find someone immune to the virus, the name for the immunity and manipulation of Phazon later coined as Phazite. Her name was Tanya. Python spent too much time near her, exposing himself to the infection, and killing three: the Spartan Jackie, a high ranking officer of the ship, and his own wife, A'Karo. He fled soon after, with his wife's body. I went super duper afk and missed like 3 arcs. The group wanders, somewhat wondering what it would be like to have a real home again, like the empire, and not just some ship that'll crash next time they get near a big bad guy. They finally think of an idea that was hiding in plain sight, the Old Empire itself. Despite its destruction and abandonment, the team sets a course, determined to retake their home. Once there, they are ambushed by a massive Dread force, and sacrifice themselves to eliminate the Dread once and for all. The Federation and Rebels have a war. The Federation wins(?). A new team, The Infinite Pioneers, are assembled at Crux. They soon become the first humans to leave the Milky Way, exploring a brand new galaxy where mankind had never been before. They are attacked by some pirates after trespassing into their space, and some are taken to fight in an arena. Those taken manage to escape back to the Infinity. Bounty Board [spoiler][b]The bounty board contains missions and jobs. Three are added each time it updates. These jobs can be tackled together or alone, unless specified by the bounty. Bounties can be done at any time, despite the crew's situation, as bounties are placed in a time where the crew isn't busy. Bounties will have little to no effect on the main story (other than the money) unless marked as [u]important[/u]. Manually Input Bounties: "Get the Bounty Board working." Reward: "Bounties." Placed By: Calleach Details: Three small metal beams sit beside the board, used for linking a location to the board. When placed, they will self-construct a beacon for bounty placement.[/b] [b]There are three nearby planets with intelligent life within range of gunship flight. The first, a volcanic planet with large rock creatures who, while being durable and able to survive in the hot conditions, are definitely a stretch on the word "intelligent". The second, the planet from before, with the ability to reconstitute metals. They seem both smart and friendly, and much could be to gain by linking them into the board. -TAKEN BY AVELINE The third, a very earth-like planet with somewhat human-like entities, much taller, and much more primitive. They fight amongst themselves a lot, and there seem to be many tribes. Finding safe, neutral ground to place the beacon would be extremely beneficial, but may be challenging as well. [u][i]ERROR. CONNECTION TO MILKY WAY BOUNTY BOARD SERVICE LOST.[/b][/i][/u][/spoiler] Our Current Location [spoiler]The Infinity Cruiser[/spoiler] Joining the Thread... [spoiler]PM me, Phantom, or Python first.[/spoiler] Story Progression... [spoiler]the OP will be edited and expanded as events happen in the story, to keep things easy and interesting.[/spoiler] Characters and Bios [spoiler]We have a bio thread in the group EXTRAgalactical Escapades Ask to join or follow the #BnetRP tag and then post your character's bio/background there[/spoiler] RULES [spoiler]No Godmodding PvP is highly discouraged, unless it is for training purposes, ect. No oneshots on entire armies/main characters without very good reason 1 character allowed. A second can be brought in for temporary side plots. No crashing the ship that WE LIVE ON![/spoiler] [b][i][u]THE SEQUEL IS HERE! Follow the links![/u][/i][/b]

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  • [b]The Torch Hammer[/b] [i]Infinity; Helsing Orbit[/i] The Main Hangar of the Infinity was abnormally large, built to accommodate ships of far greater size than most carriers. Though it was originally intended to be a military cruiser, it was refurbished in light of the Treaty of Crux, and began its metamorphosis into an exploratory, civilian ship. Still, the hangar bore the marks of its Federation engineering, as evidenced by the sleek, black/grey architecture of the place, alien to both the former Resistance and Alliance. Most of the ships inside of it could be categorized into one of those three categories, but for three exceptions: Wilson's Vertibird, the Milano, and the Torch Hammer. All were unique in color and size, but the Torch Hammer was clearly discernible by its architecture, one that was both archaic and cutting edge. The ship was a hybrid between a carrier and a starfighter, coming in at around 40 meters long, and 27 meters wide. The cockpit was large, large enough to accommodate two people sitting next to each other, and the ship likely could house a few more people. In the back, a ramp was extended down, and a man leaned up against it. Eric Cooper was technically off-duty, but he still decided to wear his armor: a carapace reverse engineered from an Ignus Original's chassis, and other ceramic pieces guarding his shins, shoulders, and thighs. His dark hair was slightly ruffled, and perhaps in need of a haircut, but still managed to accentuate his rather handsome face and pale blue eyes, and his prosthetic right arm continued to twist and flex in anticipation. He hadn't exactly been thrilled when the First Officer had told him that Ambassador Cain, the former Ignus leader responsible for the invasion of New Terra and Earth, was to be assigned to his ship. Quite the contrary, in fact, but he needed a co-pilot, and he was an expendable way to test Cain's loyalty. So he just stood there waiting, waiting for this enigmatic being to come, and hold his life in his hands. (Open to Task primarily, but Jupiter or JT too)

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    • [b]wheatley face plants into the hellsing base, bloodied and bruised.[/b] [spoiler]open. I was gone for a week and missed like four arcs. Anyone wanna fill me in?[/spoiler]

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    • Edited by SilverPulse620: 3/6/2016 3:48:58 AM
      [b][i][u]Shadow of the Alliance[/u][/i][/b] After coming out of his hiding spot on the Infinity and learning of the location of the team, a strange black fighter lands near the base on Helsing and a man in black robes and armor steps out. He scans the area, and readies his Darksaber. "Alright, Silver. Where are you?"-Phoenix He makes his way towards the team, ready to kill any of the invading creatures that attack him and the team. [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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      • [b][i]gratz on 70k Europa![/i][/b]

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        • [b][i]An arrival of sorts[/i][/b] [b][i]The hangar. Shuttles and maintenance droids, stretching as far as the eye can see and then some. But oddly enough, a singular ship flies into the hangar, landing in a relatively open and clear area, free of the shuttles and droids. The cockpit window splits into two, both halves folding outwards and doing a one hundred eighty degree spin, encompassing the sides of the sleek green cruiser. A single figure steps out from the cockpit cautiously, his black boots hitting down on the cold shuttle floor, then the cockpit closes. Some of the droids take a gander towards him, only to turn their synthetic heads once more and focus on the mop or wrench many of them hold. One approaches the strange man, staring into the dark hole where his face should be. [/i][/b]"Please provide identification." [b][i]The cold, metallic voice of the robot says to him, scanning him up and down. [/i][/b]"Pioneer 0692, name of JT." [b][i]He says to the machine, a deep voice only matched by what would appear to be an old Canadian accent. [/i][/b]"Identification accepted. Welcome Pioneer JT." [b][i]The droid says, before scurrying off to a nearby mop. [/i][/b]"Well, that was pleasant." [b][i]He says to himself, putting his left hand on the grip of a red revolver, in between an onyx black one and an angelic white one. [/i][/b] ((Open))

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          • Edited by oCharlemagne: 3/6/2016 3:37:19 AM
            [i]A Lone ship floats through space. It's engines are shut down but the life support is active, there seems to be someone inside[/i] ((Open))

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            • [b]First Look[/b] [i]Kurochi's ship flies through space, the happy Hoshoku inside directing it towards another planet "This one is called...Helsing I believe...should be fun..." An uneventful approach begins, not knowing what to expect, Kurochi waits in the driver seat excitedly Kurochi flies around just over the surface of the planet around the Naraxis outpost until he sees it, the base that looks almost empty He lands near it and steps out of his ship, making his way towards the base with his rifle in hand but without his armor, it still needed repairing from a certain accident. He approaches the base, closer now as he looks around and moves silently through the landscape [/i] [spoiler]open to shit around the base, i know this is kinda jumping in but i felt like this is the only way for me to start in a significant way[/spoiler]

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              • Edited by Xeno: 3/5/2016 8:12:17 PM
                Outside of the Infinity, in the void of space, a small, black, sleek ship comes out of hyperspace near the Infinity. The Infinity dwarfed it, as it does most ships. It was seemingly modern, with 2 blue, glowing thrusters in the back with no visible wings. A steel, yet clam voice crackles to life from the ship and to the Infinities comms. "Come in, come in Infinity? Do you read, Infinity?"

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                • Edited by General Percival: 3/5/2016 5:16:23 PM
                  [b][u] boredom[/u][/b] On a ship, even one as large as the infinity, there was only so much you can do. Only so many training missions you could run, so many movies you could watch, before you ran out of things to do. Sgt Patterson sat half on a table, loading ammunition into magazines. He looked around the dinning facility, the ship's internal clock had the time at noon, first shift was eating, or should have been. This damn ship didn't have much of a crew. He'd gotten used to serving on military ships, as much as he hated to admit it, he missed the squids, the men where easy to get along with, as long as you made fun of the marines or the Air Force. The women, there were some stories he had. He smiled to himself and shook his head, now these robots weren't much conversation and the people here were pretty insular. This was new for the operator, largely the people here were civilians or mercs. And so he checked his equipment, loaded ammunition, and chewed on a few pieces of the freeze dried food that was always on hand. [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                  • [b]Calm Before the Storm[/b] The intercom on the Infinity suddenly blares, announcing the rather smooth voice of the First Officer, who speaks rapidly, with a few pauses for breathing. A soft alarm blares in the background, signifying a leap to warp. "Attention Crew, we have received an emergency distress beacon from a nearby Triumvirate outpost, on a planet called Helsing. The message is vague, but it asks for immediate assistance, and we plan on obliging ASAP. The mission as it stands right now is to reinforce the outpost, and ensure that it stands after we leave. Team leaders, report to the Bridge for further orders." (Open to all. Yeah, it's short, but I'm bored rn)

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                    • Edited by Chesh I Guess: 3/5/2016 12:01:44 AM
                      [b]Zion stalks the halls of the cruiser, walking with no clear direction in mind. He wasn't certain how he got on board. One minute on the teleporter... The next... Not so much. The crew shot him weird glances and uncomfortable looks. Though, he didn't seem to care. The intention was to hail a nearby private military cruiser... Instead, they launched him into deep space. At least he could get answers here. He wanders into the flight deck and stands, blank expression and calm demeanor. He was hard to miss. Bright blue eyes, white hair, pale yet glistening skin, chiseled tones and body. He looked like an angel... More so... A lost one. His eyes scan the room for signs of anyone willing to give him answers.[/b] [spoiler]Open. And yes, I won't forget this character.[/spoiler]

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                      • [spoiler][/spoiler]

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                      • [i]Every candle bears a light...[/i] [b]...a fire to burn the shadows...[/b] [i] guides our souls from wrong to right...[/i] [b] drives us from the gallows...[/b] [i]Brother, brother, hear my plea, For I am love and joy and peace! Spare me from your foul protection; I need no judgement from your discretion.[/i] [b]Sister, sister, harsh neglect, For you I hold no coarse regret. Where your's lazy, my world is dire, For I am fury, wrath and ire![/b] [i]The future is long, but our tales' concise...[/i] [b]You are Virtue... I am Vice...[/b] [b][i]Together as one, daughter and son... before the world is forever undone...[/i][/b] And only the candlelight will remain... [spoiler]Hold on to yer butts...[/spoiler]

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                        • [b][u]An Unlikely Turn Of Events | 0560 Hours[/u][/b] Traitors. Blithering, spineless, mind-twisting traitors. He had been one of the most successful Sentient Minds throughout the Purification, amassing armies of fleshy, organic filth, and driving them to their own demise; eagerly yearning at each pathetic life that gave itself to Vulcan only to be reborn minutes later as Solarium-encased fire and death. It was beautiful. Like watching a Phoenix rise from its own ashes. Not so to the Council, it seemed. They viewed such an army as heresy; blasphemy in the eyes of The Great Conquerer which needed to be destroyed. And they had turned to the makeshift militia's source as its root. They failed their mission— his living was testament to that much. But [i]why[/i]? He existed in their realm, in their "time," so [i]why[/i] was he still alive? He should have been stripped of his Memories, scrapped down to metal and rust, rotting in a Recycling Vacuum until they needed more scrap for alchemy or parts. No matter. He would sit in this pod and ponder the question for a little while longer, until someone inevitably found him and he made a new army out of his rescuers. Cain would have vengeance on the Council. Of this, he was certain. [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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                          • [b]The Mind's Eye[/b] [i]Nowhere, Sometime, Alternate Reality[/i] None stood in the way of the Warrior as he strode through their divine halls, through their arbitrary rules of space and time. They said that the sword he bared was that of time, and that his was the only rule; such was logical. The Ignus had long prophesied of the incarnation of Vulcan: the Lord of the Time, as Death, for death was inevitable, and time was the only constant. Matthew Hallwinter understood this law as a simple truth, and by that right alone, he passed through. The Mark of Hallwinter was emblazoned on his face: a strange, geometric war-paint that accentuated the bare features of his sharp face, so that any Ignus that saw him would see only creation's will. Though strange for him, he understood that his thoughts had no meaning in their dimension, and that by obeying their Laws was paramount in order to survive. His blade, known by no name other than its master's, radiated such heat that no mortal could withstand it besides him, yet in the presence of Vulcan it felt both unbearably hot and pitifully cold. Ambassador Cain often prayed in this dimension-throne, as it sat unblemished throughout time, and thus was able to connect with Vulcan in a way no other realm could. To enter this, one must understand time at its most basic and fundamental level, which is why the Ignus never failed in their conquest, yet only Cain could enter this room, for only he could hold the power. Hallwinter bent a knee besides the surprisingly small metal figure, and whispered Time's Judgement to him, "The world, as you see it, is stone and dust, subject only to the will of Vulcan. Death comes to all invariably, but those who hide from Time itself. Yet Time is not the will of any one being, as you say it is. Time is the mind, the hand that makes [swords, stone, ashes]. By that, I kill you." Matthew Hallwinter hesitates for the briefest moment, yet in that reality, also an eternity. Lying before him was the mortal enemy of the Empire, and of millions of other civilizations before it. Rendering him null was not enough to satisfy Time. "By that, I am become Death, the Harbinger of Time. And by this..." He runs Cain through with the blade, neither enjoying nor resenting the feeling of death washing over his mortal enemy. "... I end the Sol Alliance." He withdrew the blade, and stood barren before Time, before slowly he backed away towards home, under the appraising view of the Mind's Eye. [spoiler]Closed, open to feedback, I suppose. This is just some abstract writing I've been working with, and is by no means what actually happened to Taskmaster. [/spoiler]

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                            • [b]Calleach stands by the Bounty Board, which seems to have a short new message on it, waving down passerbys.[/b] [spoiler]open, especially to Aveline[/spoiler]

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                              • [spoiler]congrats on the award![/spoiler]

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                                • Edited by Murph Tha Smurf: 2/29/2016 9:07:31 PM

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                                  • Blargle, Im bored. Lazily put this together because im still sick and whatnot. Empire Civil War flashback plot thing. idk. Or maybe a future ark. Im gonna go eat some tacos... brain fuel..

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                                    • [b]Sometime when everyone is sleeping the loud scratching of claw on metal is heard all throughout the ship waking up some of the inhabitants[/b] [spoiler]open for investigation and boredom[/spoiler]

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                                      • Edited by Cosmic: 2/28/2016 3:27:27 PM
                                        [b]Wheatley wanders the halls, looking for his new "friends" room while also searching for anyone who might be friendly, or hostile, to him. He eats a sandwich while he looks around[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                        • Edited by Chesh I Guess: 2/27/2016 5:58:37 AM
                                          [b][u]Lounge Room, Cruiser[/u][/b] [u]Night time[/u] [b]Belle sits in the lounge, legs crossed. She is reading a small blue book with the name "Lord of the Flies" written on the side. A simple smile is spread across her lips. She had joined the crew recently, and knew virtually no one... Say for the the small group of volunteers working on sign up. Space was such a funny place. Not that she need the company... She was fine on her own. Even then, she didn't mind this place. Crew bustled here and there, screens played shows, and people talked. Despite the social disdain she held, she felt content. Subconsciously she sings a small tune, something she did when she was lost in a good story. It was a beautiful piece. She leans back into the cushioned chair as sleep slowly consumes her. It had been a long day, and she was tired.[/b] [spoiler]Intro, Open[/spoiler]

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                                          • Edited by Neon: 2/27/2016 11:28:08 PM
                                            [b][u]Experiment Kickoff[/u][/b] [b][i]Infiniti - Orion's Labs[/i][/b] [b][STARTING TRANSMISSION][/b] [i]Video Document_Experiment 1A_File 0917[/i] Viewing from the camera's angle an image appears, that of a moving Orion who is circling an island table with a large clear box on top of its surface. Within the box a series of three sheets of metal sit silently. The camera spots other parts of the large but surprisingly tidy lab, beakers line the walls, oddly shaped lighting devices and other oddities dot the chamber. Orion is still within his armor adjusting small tubing networks connecting with the box. "Experiment one A, first attempt and likely the only attempt hopefully-" He bends down beneath the camera's sight and adjusts something under the island before reappearing in the camera's view as he walks to a large tank barely appearing in the field of vision. "Experiment set to test the overall strength and resistance of human cells, standard armor metallic resistance, and crew member armor against fluorinated atmospheres and standard hazard zones." Orion dima the lights slightly backing away from the box and shuffling over to a series of small switches. "Testing hypothesis now, releasing two fourths of a cubic meter of fluorine gas now." A slight hissing sound is heard before it stops, the camera focuses onto the box and its inner contents. Three sheets of different assorting metals, and one small tray filled with a pinkish organic sludge. "Experiment set, all variables seem to be stable as of now, vacuum chamber holding well to the fluorine. Releasing three fourths cubic meter of oxygen." A hiss is heard but instantly the camera screen goes white and quickly dims down slightly, the inner contents of the box and every inch within are scorching with a floating white fire that seems to engulf everything within the clear box. As suddenly as it starts the fire quickly dissipates and vanishes. Orion takes his hands of the levers and brings the lights to normal before inspecting the contents within the box. "Subject four, and two both eaten by the fluorine reactants. Subject three is completely melted and eaten away. The human cell mass is completely vaporized. No sign of survival from the cells, experiment successful..." [spoiler]Open I guess[/spoiler]

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                                            • Edited by Trashcan Jesus: 2/27/2016 6:54:40 PM
                                              [b][i]Ain't No Kid[/i][/b] [b]Hangar, Cruiser [i]Infinite[/i][/b] [i]Jackson stood behind Wilson's Vertibird, a folding table set up before him. In his hands was a large black rifle case, which he set on the table. Opening it, he looked inside to the parts of what appeared to be a large anti-materiel rifle, the weapon painted in a snakeskin pattern. He pulled each part of the weapon out carefully, scope, receiver, bipod, monopod, barrel, bolt assembly, and several magazines loaded with .50 BMG tungsten-carbide armor-piercing shells. Methodically, he began assembling the rifle. He'd never once touched his dad's weapon, he hadn't even seen it up close until now. The weapon had some scratches in the paint, and in the buttstock of the weapon, scores of tally marks were scratched into the metal. With the rifle assembled, he loaded a magazine into it, and locked the bolt, chambering a round. He looked over the rifle, getting used to the weight and feel. It was new, different...[/i] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                                            • Edited by oCharlemagne: 2/27/2016 5:40:13 PM
                                              [b][i][u]Xeno[/u][/i][/b] [i]All over the ship a minor alarm was heard, an unknown person had somehow entered the hangar[/i] [i][u]Inside the hangar[/u][/i] [i]A man with things that look like wings made of plasma glides into the hangar, the wings disappear as he looks around, he seemed to be unarmed[/i] ((Open, intro))

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                                              • [u][i]Lounge Room...[/i][/u] [b]Suuz, or Aleks lies on a couch in the lounge room. He has a bra on his head like cat ears, and a pair of panties on his face like Bane's mask. The smell of alcohol seeps out of his mouth along with drool as his upper body lies over the edge of the couch, making him lay at a 90 degree angle. He also smells of smoke and food. A chocolate chip cookie is clenched in his right hand, and his gun in his left. [/b] [spoiler]Open. [/spoiler]

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