originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
Hiya folks first off I want to thank all of you for having this place to help each other out. Great community!
I've adapted Quantum Ascend's PSN auth method* found at the bottom of this article: http://bungienetplatform.wikia.com/wiki/Authentication
and got it mostly working. I'm still getting ErrorCode 99 ("WebAuthRequired") when sending my requests to a private endpoint. I'm using https, I'm sending the value I get for the bungled cookie as the X-CSRF header, and sending the following in the Cookie header: bungled, bungleme, bungleatk, and bungledid. I've also got my X-API-Key set.
Any ideas? Or more info I can provide to hopefully generate some ideas?
*EDIT: I'm not using Python, but vbscript / classic asp. I just followed his logic.
I think I got it figured out. It wouldn't work with MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP object, so I ended up using WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1 instead, with redirections turned off. Seemed to fix it.