Titan- machine gun
Warlock- fusion rifle
Hunter- sniper rifle
I'm thinking a Krogan shotgun.
Machine gun
This is classism. Titans get a shotgun to be close and personal.
Yea but what's more personal then A 50cal to the face
A fist.
I was thinking instead of machine gun a shot gun
Eh but heavy is more badass
In that case give the gjallarhorn to the warlock. The lore for the gjallarhorn says that it was crafted from the gaurdians who fell at twilight gap and gifted to those who survived. The only armor scheme not present is a warlocks. There is armor from both titans and hunters.
The other two got special weapons a shotgun would make most sense
Machine guns kick more ass
You already know BOI!!
Or the Titan gets a rocket.
Nah rockets are for pussies Titans have to go ham
I always thought Titan scout Warlock pulse Hunter hand cannon
That makes no sense no offense
Scout rifle has the most impact, most force. Pulse rifle is precision shots at distance. Handcannon because trailers and Golden Gun. Auto rifles are is the whore weapon. Its just opinion. No facts.
Oh okay then carry on good sir [spoiler]:)[/spoiler]
The art for the game cover has these weapons for these classes
The Titan always has a auto rifle hunter a hand cannon and warlock idk think a pulse
Only hand cannon Hunter does