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originally posted in: LionHeart (RP)
7/24/2015 5:18:55 PM
[b]In the Ponderosa Forest, June and Dante attempt to find the trail of the renegades.[/b] "What a waste of time. My clothes are getting filthy." "Mhmm." "Honestly, I don't even think Hecate would dare wander in here, there's far too much... well, you know." "Mhmm." "Well, actually, I suppose if there was 'bait', she might follow-- Umph!" [b]She is stopped by Dante's arm, outstreched in front of her path. Siliently, he raises his other hand and points to a cabin near a broken wagon. The lights inside are on. June's pouting frown spins into a giddy grin of anticipation. She dashes out without a word and knocks on the door. Moments later, an elderly man opens the door. He is hunched over a cane, and slightly balding, but his tone of voice indicates that he is still strong and energetic.[/b] "Oh, I never thought to get visitors, e-especially at this hour of the night..." "Good day to you as well, sir! You see, me and my companion are a bit lost at the moment; perhaps you can give us a hand?" "Certainly! Please, come in!" [b]June and Dante enter the small, two-room cabin to find the old man its sole occupant. and ornate rug decorates the floor underneath a small, rustic oak table. A fireplace and cooking pot serve as a makeshift kitchen just inches away from the other room, which contains a two single beds and portrait of a lady.[/b] "Why, you'll have to excuse the mess. I live alone here, and there isn't much company aside from the wind." "Not to pry, but I see two beds in the back. I'm a bit paranoid, but I hope you aren't lying to us." "Not at all. My wife lived with me out here as well. She was such a lovely lady." "What happened, if I may ask?" "She died, during a pillaging raid on the town that once existed here, she was gunned down trying to help a boy out of the collapsed rubble of his burning house..." "Apologies, I shouldn't have asked." "No no! It's quite alright. I just hope you aren't here to cause any sort of trouble. It's not everyday Monarchy spies roaming through the ashes of my town." "Town? There was nothing here when we came through. I won't deny we intruded, but there's nothing but trees out there. And we aren't spies." "Nature has reclaimed most of it, I'm afraid." [b]The old man rocks the creaking chair, shifting uncomfortably, waiting for the silence to be broken.[/b] "If I can help you folks anymore, I'll be happy to, but I think I would like this evening to myself." "Of course, sir. I just have one question for you, seeing as you know who we are, or at the very least, what we do." "G-go ahead." "We're looking for a man and his lackeys. They might've come through here, but I can't guarantee they did. Did you happen to see anyone pass through?" "I can't say that I have, though it is dark out. Even if they passed through, I doubt my eyes would've been able to see them." [b]June sighes and looks back to Dante. His crossed arms unfold as he walks over to the table.[/b] "Would you like to handle this, Savona? It's been awhile since I've seen you in action." "I think I'll leave this one to you. You have a way with words that I simply do not." [b]A smirk and snicker from the woman betrays her intent, as she turns around to face the old man with violet eyes. The man is instantly captivated. She leans onto the table, slowly carrying her head back and forth. The man's eyes follow her subtle, yet mesmerizing movements.[/b] "I suppose it was worth a shot, but I was never a fan of politely asking. Perhaps you could be more inclined to tell me the truth?" "Certainly miss! There was a man with several followers. He passed through and left most of them here to keep them safe. Two others went with him: a man and woman." "No why would he leave some of them with you? You can hardly help yourself in this miserable dump?" "He figured that you two would follow him instead. He was only trying to save their lives." "I see. Well, I must thank you so generously for your help. Perhaps you would find a reward in serving me one last time?" "Anything for you, anything!" "Splendid! I'm so happy we could see eye to eye." "That was a terrible pun and you know it, June." "Oh, bite me. Now then: I regret to inform you that these innocent people you are harboring are all traitors to the Monarchy. Traitors must be punished, right?" [b]She puts her milky white finger on his neck and drags it up to his chin, calmly smiling with lax eyes.[/b] "O-of course! They're hiding under the floorboards, in a trap door under the table. It's the only entrance down there." "Thank you kindly. Normally I'd do it myself, but I don't want to get my clothes more dirty than they already are. would you be a doll and burn your cabin down for me?" "Of course, my lady!" "Good, good. And make sure you're inside too when you set it alight. You aided these criminals, it's only fair that you be punished too." "I will do it at once!" "Thank you... Your valiant deeds will not go unnoticed." [b]As the duo exit the cabin, fires creep from inside the house. Screams of all ages can be heard, but the man inside simply sat calmly, letting the orange claws engulf him.[/b] "Well that was fun." "You and I have very different definitions of fun, June. But I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." "So, did you get all that? Or did you cheat and use your powers too?" "I cheated to confirm my findings. He kept his path northwest, towards Cataluna. He isn't alone." [b]June pats Dante on the back twice, assuringly. She merrily skips onward.[/b] "Come, come! He won't die on his own!"

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