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7/18/2015 1:22:08 PM
Great post, but I think most people are losing site of the reason why Bunghole would make such a ludicrous change to the must loved weapons in the game. Their numbers are obviously down. Look around at your friends list and tell me that you have 50% of them that were day one players still playing Destiny?!? Which means that the average time this game is being played is down (one of Bunghole's biggest previous boasts). The only way to get average play time per day up is to get people to spend more time finishing off strikes, raids, etc. Because it certainly isn't by keeping their initial base playing this game. How do you get players to spend more time grinding out rocket and bullet sponges because Bunghole is not creative enough to produce well thought out, and entertaining end game content? Nerf the h3ll out of the best weapons in the game that did significant damage to majors, ultras, and bosses. Call me cynical, but Bunghole has never given me any reason to believe otherwise.

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