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7/18/2015 12:06:47 AM
Here's the thing I don't get: Why the hell would Bungie released certain archetypes that allow certain perks that are EXTREMELY strong at launch ? So early into Destiny's, "10 year span." Thing likes Fatebringer being the only HC with Firefly, perks that work very well in PVP. (Shotpackage, Final Round, etc) Not to mention VoG has arguably the best PVE based weapons. Aside from Blackhammer and Ghorn. PoE weapons don't have SHIT on VoG weapons. Isn't weapon performance supposed to PROGRESS instead of go backwards ? Ever since HoW, I've only seen it go backwards. The new perks they introduced ? I swear they were only implemented I make ideal rolls when rerolling harder to navigate. The Fallen burns they made on PoE weapons, literally, what the fućk were they actually thinking with Shank and Dreg burns ?! Why not make a Fallen Disruptor just like the Hive Disruptor ?! Seeing some of the perks from TTK gameplay at E3, they look and sound absolutely fućking terrible and extremely situational. So my main question to Bungie is, why release such powerful things at the very beginning and then slowly go backwards ? Did they honestly not play test ANYTHING at launch ? I guess the pre-nerfed Vex should answer my question. I just don't understand this logic of going backwards. I know that if they could some how make perks better than shit like Firefly and Wolfpacks, PVE would be broken as hell. I don't see the weapon progression over the next 10 years going well at this point.

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  • Edited by Lost Sols: 7/18/2015 12:51:18 AM
    Because Destiny 1.0 was not meant to be sold to us in all these expansions. We weren't meant to get Thunderlord and Gjallarhorn week one. When they decided to chop up the game and sell us parts as dlc, they put all the weapons into vanilla because they probably didn't have any others ready to use in place at that point and figured they'd make more for the "expansions". the problem was that those weapons they thought they would just replace were absolute Destiny 1.0 endgame and so powerful that they ended up being f**ked. and here we are.

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  • True. I'm just really not looking forward to gun progression if we're already almost into, "year 2" and the weapons are already starting to go backwards. I really don't see this game lasting man. After what's been going on the last few months ? After trying to foreshadow probable events, it's not looking good. It sucks. This game has so much damn potential. They're handling it the wrong way. I'm beating a dead horse to hell and back. From the outside looking in like few of us do apparently, it's not looking good for the future of the game. Oh well. Good thing some great titles are being released towards the end of this year and the beginning of next year. I know I've given you praise in a few of your previous posts, but I'd just like to say thanks again for the good reads. It's great to be open minded like this and look at everything as a whole and analyze things deeply and look at the cause/affect situations. Cheers man.

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  • You too

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