Thorn is such a noob weapon and if you use it in the crucible you are a noob and all of your input will be disregarded in this thread.
You, you good? Did you get it out? You feel better? Okay... Okay shhh sh sh sh. Here's your bottle full of healthy antioxidants. Oh, and of corse your hammer of sol you probably like to play with too huh baby!? :) and here's your little feet and tummy wummy! oh ! Do I hear a gurgle? Is someone hungry for dick!? I think someone is hungry for DICK! I'll go get my dick and shove it in your crying baby mouth. Besides, your crying over a year one useless piece of shit gun that's not easy to combat and worth nothing anymore to anyone, nor can the added 5 million people get it... So stop your crying crying baby gamer teenager nerd, everything is alright. See, when you grow up one day, you'll be a grown up, and GIT good like the rest of us :) Oh, I forgot my dick! I'll be right back. ;)
That's why most people the go 9-0 use the thorn right?
Well that makes sense. You getting over 4k kills with it n all. Practice what you preach please.
Reading through this makes me laugh, Only an idiot won't use one of the most efficient weapons, seems you're dumber than a noob.
Haha! Says the guy with almost 5000 kills with thorn half of which you probably let the burn finish them off
Only noobs get salty about Thorns.
Because if a guy who refers to himself as a grandfather and then drops "69" twice in a row in his username "disregards my input" I'll be devastated. Don't do me any favors. lol.
If only noobs use thorn and so many people get wrecked by it then it seems this entire community is nearly all noobs..
Edited by HiddenHavoc9886: 7/16/2015 9:17:05 PMThorn sucks, TLW all day every day
I bet you wouldn't have said that back when it had a small magazine and slow reload.
Thorn kills the fastest therefor is the best gun to use. Logic?
I use it now. I was tired of seeing that poison on my screen every time I got shot in pvp. Now I can do the same to everyone else, and it's great.
no TLW is for noobs it's dps is ridiculous
Ya only whiney bitch ass scrubs cry about everything thing that kills em.
Regardless of what anyone says Bungie is going to either ninja nerf it, or nerf it out loud. Just sayin. **shrug
Yay the salt is real
Yay Thorn!
I see the post title and think who cares... just saying :p
Not a noob weapon, it's an infuriating weapon. Just like just about any weapon with a skilled hand it wrecks face. If a scrub is using it they will still get wrecked
Crying for nerfs is a noob thing adapt or stfu.
Thorn takes skill to use and to get. Noob is not a relevant term here. If thorn is such an issue why don't you try and lead the community and encourage use of other weapons to I introduce new game dynamics than trying to antagonise the community with a post you refuse to comment on. Says a lot about your argument, it's not factual, accurate, or correct. I don't have one, I don't need one, I also don't care about k/d. I have taken out many thorn users. It's about knowing how to counteract. It's a game, it's fun watching conflict exchange. Lag switching is not so fun, really takes away from user experience.
4485 kills with Thorn... Yes sir that's you.. No self respecting guardian would be seen dead wielding Thorn in PvE, so I am outing you as a Troll...
I hv a Thorn my self but I hardly use it so are u calling me noob
I looked at your completely average 1.0 average K/ have no room to diss players for using anything to give them an advantage. Maybe you should start using it to boost your stats. For the record I don't use Thorn.
Sorry but I'm not about to put myself at a huge disadvantage because some kid called me a noob. Now matter how good you are Thorn is still going to destroy you. All we can do is play the meta and hope they nerf it soon.