Did you think I got notifications for anything but direct replies? Didn't you realize I commented first? Why is F1gurez dong so small?
Did you not read Sebastian is me's comment?
Did figurez ever reply in confirmation?
Does he really have to for the truth to cum out?
Was that a sneaky sex pun?
Why would I be sneaky about a pun?
Are you getting bored yet?
Don't you know there is no chance I am getting bored with this when I have to keep everyone going?
What time is it for you?
Do you care what time it is in the night club? Is the night club even open where you live?
Are we at the same club?
Isn't the room me you and Skriller made up the same club where we can all hang out with your pork sausage?
How do you have the nerve to be unsure about our club we made together?
Did you consider that it might be really late where I live and I'm very very tired?
Why are you telling me you are tired instead of going to bed and resuming tomorrow?
Maybe I feel bad about cutting off such an involved conversation?
Do you think I mind you resting and coming back with more ammunition to make us think?
Do you think I know you well enough to make that assumption?
Would I be incorrect to think you do at this point, having such an involved conversation together?