Pretty much the only rule is to not out right answering a question, even if you tag on a question after your answer ("No, would you?" is not following the rules). Also, once someone's question has been questioned, try to question the questioner. For example, after my question has been questioned by another person, ask them a question about their question, not me. To clear the air, this is not completely original, I have seen this on another forum, and I was curious to see what would happen in Destiny forums. I'll start: "What is your first thought when you have a stupid death in Destiny?"
Sorry about no more spotlights, some people are being salty and I don't have time to debate with them right now :)
Do you even lift bro?
If you had a chance to change your fate, would ya?
I know you are but what am I?
How much wood could Peter Piper pick down by the sea shore?
But what if the question is questioned without questioning???
What is the first thought when you die is real question here
If someone tried to kill themselves with red death, would it work?
mom, can u make me a sandwich?
Why do human babies take so long to develope from infant to child, when animal species walk after just hours old??
What is your name?
Have you heard the word?
What do you consider a stupid death?
If you have to keep reminding everyone how great you are, how great are you really?
Why do we park in a driveway and drive on a parkway?
Reply 1000...sweet
Have you ever danced with the devil during the pale moon light ?
How can I question the questioner when there's so many questions to question?
Are there roofies in here?
If 10 equals purple, and bacon multiplied by the square root of my sweater equals 1.6778210, then how many triangles is Wendy left with in his vacuum cleaner?
"Who the -blam- killed me!?" Or "WTFrick!?
Screw that?
Is no scoping with the queen breakers bow like trying to have sex in the dark with a fat girl?
How much wood could a wood chuck, chuck, if wood chuck could chuck wood?
Why is it that when I'm in a Crucible match, I almost always get the shittiest team possible?
Why do bungie break pvp with their weapon "balancing"?