He's better at the game, which will be a welcome change. Having a filthy casual as a community manager has been a little demoralizing.
This is amazing lol
Awww deej :')
Now thats a cm!
Deej, this cozmo dude is making you look pretty casual right about now.
I'm stoked to see how Cozmo will impact the developer/community atmosphere Many hands make the labor light! But nothing can replace our DeeJ!
I see what you did there...:) Screw the haters.
He's still a casual. Just not as filthy.
Also volunteer to represent the titans! XD
Would a filthy casual wear this [url=http://www.bungie.net]http://i661.photobucket.com/albums/uu335/spaboolly/PirateDeeJ.jpg[/url]
It's ok Deej we will help you get that lvl.34
It's all right man. Cheer up :3 Everyone was a casual at some point and like me, some will always be. #teamdeej
But this game is made for filthy casuals.
Nah man, you're cool. You okay? Wanna get some ice cream? come on, let's go get some ice cream.
I volunteer as your bulletsponge during the Skolas fight!
I thank you for all that you have done DeeJ! This is one guardian that has an appreciation for what you do!
You're going to need these http://cruzskateshop.com/images/products/knee-pads/tsg-force-3-knee-pad-large.jpg
Oh...you don't play much...
2nd profile
Thanks for letting me know...
Ok maybe it wasn't funny. Sorry, thought you had a sense of humor.
Sometimes i do...just not when I am thanking someone for something and some "alpha male" mentality has to put in his two cents with "get ur knee pads out" I'm sure you are a cool dude...I just don't see the point of making fun of someone who sends out an honest "Thank You" to someone.
I thought you were being sarcastic like the majority usually is to deej. My bad.
No worries...I do my best not to be that kind of guardian...I have some miner issues with Destiny and they are very small, overall I love this game!!! I try to put time in whenever I get the chance...almost 30 days of my life on just my Titan alone! There is enough hate and negativity going around that I don't want to add to it. Good hunting fellow guardian!
You are a funny guy.
Deej. Somebody hurt you, called you a mean name. And I'm sorry. I know you're a cool dude, I accept you. Bring it in for a brohug. You'll always be my man Deej.