( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edit: You horny guys are blowing up my phone.
Edit 2: We're trending. Probably the most sexual thread I have ever seen. Good job guys and boys.
Edit 3: I'm surprised I haven't heard anything about "slavery" even though I'm hearing all these various kinky things. Shouldn't I get in trouble for this thread? :0
Edit 4: it seems many of you want to keep the 18+ option at 69% ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edit 5: Added a picture of the Queen.
The funniest post I have seen is this :
[quote]As long as I have a face, the Queen will always have a throne to sit on.[/quote]
Said by: Funkiestrat5612
Step it up guys.
Edit 6: Yeah yeah..I get it already, 69%
There's a lot of votes on it, 2000+, so if you're voting for the first time, it's probably not going to change at all.
Edit 7: Put a more...revealing picture of the queen.
Edit 8: [b][i]Since a lot of you seem to like Petra more than the queen, I fished this picture out for you guys.[/i][/b]
[url=http://pre01.deviantart.net/7320/th/pre/i/2015/114/0/c/queen_s_emissary___petra_venj_by_ultamisia-d8qww31.jpg]Click To View[/url]
Edit 9: [u]1000 Replies[/u]! Some horny, some kinky, and others 2 serious. Thanks!
Edit 10: Were mostly dead now
Edit 11: I thought Ninjas bagged this thread?
This is leterally the best post on the forums. Regardless... I'd be okay with her riding my sparrow.
The ointment and superblack. Since bungie isnt giving these maybe she will
Lol something 18+ is at 69
Edited by AVEX: 7/15/2015 3:29:29 PM69% when I chose 18+. Edit: I guess same with everyone
I'm a ho so my first reaction to every hot b*tch I see "Damn girl. U fine. Well bang later don't worry bout it." So what would I ask from the queen? A favor obviously
Wouldn't mind riding around in a queen colored sparrow.
Xur is only allow to stay in the Reef if he sells ghallajorn lol
Ironic how it's 69% who have voted for 18+ ;)
I like how the 'Something 18+' option has a 69 percentage right now. lol
Friend said Gjallahorn
I want the awoken guard armor. It looks pretty cool.
Sit on my face
A foot massage ;)
I chose 18+ but that brought it to 70% so i'll deliberately pick a different option so it stays at 69%. Has to be done.
I want to literally bang the Queen.
Am I the only one who wants a unique gun set? I'd love to get her benevolence. I prefer Petra Venj anyway...
More money so I can keep throwing money at my screen
Edited by SIVDesigner: 7/14/2015 9:15:19 PMAsk her for the right to bang every awoken guard without the the guards permission(including Petra) or for them to help bang a female captian. I'll capture the female captain and bang her from up high the prison of elders over skolas head.
Gjallarhorn/Icebreaker. Either one would piss off some friends of mine. Lol one has been playing since Day 1 and still had no Gjallarhorn
Plus dome say word
Lap dance
just the tiiiiip
Lol the something 18+ is at 69% hehe
This is sad lol. I want to get you all laid so you can stop jerking it to cartoons
A BJ ;)
My "other" vote is all of them