( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edit: You horny guys are blowing up my phone.
Edit 2: We're trending. Probably the most sexual thread I have ever seen. Good job guys and boys.
Edit 3: I'm surprised I haven't heard anything about "slavery" even though I'm hearing all these various kinky things. Shouldn't I get in trouble for this thread? :0
Edit 4: it seems many of you want to keep the 18+ option at 69% ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edit 5: Added a picture of the Queen.
The funniest post I have seen is this :
[quote]As long as I have a face, the Queen will always have a throne to sit on.[/quote]
Said by: Funkiestrat5612
Step it up guys.
Edit 6: Yeah yeah..I get it already, 69%
There's a lot of votes on it, 2000+, so if you're voting for the first time, it's probably not going to change at all.
Edit 7: Put a more...revealing picture of the queen.
Edit 8: [b][i]Since a lot of you seem to like Petra more than the queen, I fished this picture out for you guys.[/i][/b]
[url=http://pre01.deviantart.net/7320/th/pre/i/2015/114/0/c/queen_s_emissary___petra_venj_by_ultamisia-d8qww31.jpg]Click To View[/url]
Edit 9: [u]1000 Replies[/u]! Some horny, some kinky, and others 2 serious. Thanks!
Edit 10: Were mostly dead now
Edit 11: I thought Ninjas bagged this thread?
I like how something 18+ has 69%
A bj, what? You asked for it
All hail the queen! Def become one of the royal guard or to have a a baby vandel which I could raise to be like a partner that could help me fight
Rated T for teen betches
Ask to become one of the royal guards
Oh god the amount of thirsty boys
Hahahahaha 69% want 18+... 69 what are the odds
was hoping to see her boobs this DLC, but bungie cut her out..
Ask her to play with my hard light
69% [spoiler] You thirsty -blam!-s[/spoiler]
I would ask for her throne that she sits on to be replaced with my face
handjob...for a start.
69% 18+ stuff...
.-. Petras picture tho
Something 18+ is 69% ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Other- Can I pipe real quick?
LMAO... 69% for 18+!!!
Id ask for her noodz so i can play with my little light
I would ask if I could tickle her until she farts.....
Well this is certainly the weirdest post I've seen on the forums.
ITT: thirst [spoiler]plot twist: the queen hooks up with rahool and starts only giving shitty green engram rewards [/spoiler]
That booty
"Something 18+" is at 69%. Nobody else vote and spoil the win.