Lore wise hunters were first jealous of blink so they stole the idea of blink but then the hunters did create blink strike because of it and the warlocks were jealous about (since they are very scholarly like) not being able to use all types of elements (arc) and the hunters did have that. That's as far the lore goes direct arguments they've had but really it's just kind of an ongoing joke with past warlocks and hunters and some Titans just not getting along.
Forums wise. Every class will have its master race supporters hunters are just the stronger PvP class warlocks are a happy medium and Titans are best PvE
Titans best pve lol
Lore wise, warlocks TAUGHT hunters how to blink. Get your facts right little Timothy.
[i]"We learned how to blink from Warlocks. But please don't admit that." - Aphorisms to Anger Warlocks[/i] Seems like warlocks got angered that they weren't the only ones to know blink anymore. You're a shining example [spoiler]i still love you the same[/spoiler]
3 hunters, wow. not even going to say anything lmao
I.....have a warlock....and my extra hunter was to get those damned cloaks of perception [spoiler]but solid rebuttal bro 8/8[/spoiler]