Titans punch. Nice.
Hunters stab. Better.
Warschlocks? They kind of... push you. Ppppththtttt.
From 8 feet away. And get an overshield from it. How do the knife and T-Rex arms seem now?
Hunters can throw their knives, and one hit most warlocks with it. And then get another for doing so.
We use the Force
And people say it is most powerful.
I like to think of it as something like... They manipulate the air in front of them to physically crush your body.
Yeah and you die from it ptttthhhhhh XD
I met a person that whenever he meleed with a warlock he would go STOP
Or the mele can turn you into void dust or Desintergrate, and or cause the enemy to explode in a fiery ball. if you use sunsinger. Imo that's better than both
The "solar wind" can actually push away a titan mid FoH...
Can it really?
Yeah. Not very far, but far enough you can survive. I saw a vid of a titan coming straight down on this one warlock and he sent him back up, ran to the side and dodged the attack. I'll see if I can find video proof
But it's funny how sunsinger "pushes" burn and, when radiancenced, push people to death:3
It doesn't push, stupid
I know fool but that's what the OP said that's why I had it in quotes