I am a Xbox player and have been since the beginning and Bungie has made the halo series and have always been great with Xbox and with destiny play station receives exclusives which the Xbox players cannot receive for a year which by then it isn't worth it why am I paying for a game on Xbox that is limited . and the PlayStation version receives more than anything. I understand the first game and yes because Sony gave bungie money is why they have exclusives but really in the second game too. Be Careful bungie because you are shooting yourselves in the foot picking PlayStation over Xbox with halo 5 coming out
Forbes ran an article that shed some light on this. Basically, the Playstation exclusive deals provide an additional revenue stream for Bungie/Activision. As a massive multi player online game Destiny requires constant patches, re-balances and content updates to keep things fresh. Since Destiny doesn't have a monthly fee, the people who work on this game ( who earn a weekly/monthly salary ) need to get payed for their time investment and that money has to come from somewhere. Game sales only account for so much of Bungie's revenue, most of the games continued profit comes from its expansions but exclusive deals live the Playstation one and the Redbull one also help to keep Destiny profitable instead of an expensive failure.