So I was surfing the forums and observing my posts when I suddenly came to the realization that I should be Bungie's community manager. I mean let's check the facts here,
I benefit the community much more than DeeJ. Now let's be honest here, every person that has read any of my posts has gotten a much higher understanding of how Destiny should be fixed. No matter if it's from saving the youth, or making Destiny's beauty more known, I'm always there for the community... which is more to say than DeeJ...
Next, I have never lied to you guys. In all of time dealing with the community, no matter if it was back before Destiny came out, or now; I have never been untruthful. DeeJ always tries to cover up other Bungie's employees which I totally get, bros before hoes as the old saying goes. But it is your job to be honest and help the community, not give unwanted "benefits" like all black shaders and sparrows. Come on DeeJ, I know you can do better.
Finally, DeeJ is so secretive. With all of his weekly updates he puts subtitles like "what's in the box". What box are you talking about here. A virtual box, Destiny's box, the Ghost Edition box? Even your name, "DeeJ". Is it pronounced Like DJ or like Dee-Juh. My name is very simple and easy to read unlike some community managers...
These are all extremely good reasons why DeeJ should step down and have me fill his place as community manager. Thank you all for your support, and together we can change Bungie for the better.
Who are you?
Hello... BROTHER...
This was a funny post. Do this more. I lol'd
You should make yourself sound like you're NOT stuck up your own ass...
You know in that time of typing this you could of been doing something productive in life like making a sandwich
I'm for anyone that actually plays the game on a daily basis. Deej is a condescending fat fu¢k
You must have at least 7 years on your profile to run for election
He's the guy who said people under 14 should face 2 years in jail for playing destiny.
I think you should be the community manager
I don't see the #satire tag... something's wrong. The Fallen! They followed us in!
If you are the community manager you will make the weekly update and it won't be posted by deej.
Motion denied
ABYZ for president.
Edited by G0Step0nALeg0: 7/6/2015 8:13:32 PMVote ABYZ for president
This dude is so in love with himself. Probably gets off to his own reflection.
Dude, you put up a petition to get rid of the freaking sparrows. And now you think you can be Community Manager? You're a freaking joke.
You are pathetic.
I literally just read the dumbest post on the forums right here. The second dumbest was your previous post of getting sparrows removed. I don't think there is anyone less qualified for the job then you
I'm sorry, do you work for Bungie? Did you even take a second to think you literally be kicking a man out of his job, asshole?
Lol, everyone is just hating you cause you are an idiot. So just stop.
He's humble too! [spoiler](Sarcastic comment is sarcastic)[/spoiler]
You do realize he didnt decide to give us an all black shadow and sparrow he is a [u]COMMUNITY MANAGER[/u] he cant change things in the game idiot. Now do us all a favor and get off the damn forums.
#AbyzCommunitymanager2k16 Bump
How about we dont