I'm kinda intrigued to see why people are still playing cos myself I have nothing left to do but still enjoy helping out friends etc and having a laugh playing and enjoy playing the game, and know alot of people have stopped playing so much recently.
So what reasons are people still playing for?
Plus I still have have grimoire to get.
What things are people trying to get out of the game still? That's what I'm asking
If anyone willing to help me get to the lighthouse at the weekend on ps4 would be greatly appreciated I'm ok at pvp just not amazing.
What are people looking forward to with the taken king?
For max level would people like the original grind back?
Whats keeping people going till September?
Because it's entertaining to me. I occasionally take breaks from the game so it doesn't feel stale. Knocking out some ESO atm but I'm intending on bouncing back in a day or two.