Bleeeeeee making new pet thread. If you want Pet Bleeeeeee give you.
You not allow to hurt or kill you pets.
You need give you pets a name.
In the aaaaaaaaarms ooooooof the aaaaangels, fly to bleeeeeeeeeeeeee. [spoiler]Gimme an aminol[/spoiler]
Lets see what RNG can get me!
I want a rhino
I will name my pet bleeeeeeee, bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Can I have an aquatic creature of some sort?
Edited by cdiienno: 7/10/2015 7:28:46 AMCan i have a pet? Preferably a tiny wolf creature ^-^
Please gimme I need a friend for Snipe hunting. \|--|/
Can I have a pet?
I need a new pet. The Cheetah ran away. [spoiler]Preferably a hammerhead shark.[/spoiler]
Bleeeeeeees should be left in the wild where they belong.
Ricky spanish...
I'd like a pet, Bleeeeeeeee
Can have pet
Gimmie another. Ram and Dragon want friend
I want a pet that won't eat sausages.
Can I have some sort of bird?
Edited by xcutioner_0: 7/8/2015 10:07:35 PMI already have pet. His name is Jimmy. He very friendly :) But can Bleeeeeee give me pet please? He needs a friend :3
Bleeeeee my turtle is lonely may I have another reptile to make him happy.
Edited by Vithurr: 7/8/2015 10:16:10 PMGive me a pet that doesn't look like a sauropod [spoiler]i might be tempted to eat it[/spoiler]
Bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee give me a pet please
dog friend pls
May I have a pet?
Are those dinosaurs?
May I have a pet?