1) Hunters stole void off a dead Warlock's hand
2) Hunters copyed blink from the Warlocks
3) Hunters copyed knowledge about Ahamkaras from the Warlocks
4) Hunters are able to use the Gjallarhorn and Crest of Alpha Lupi when they didn't participate in the Twilight Gap War
5) Hunters are useless
[spoiler]jk i love hunters[/spoiler]
Actually warlocks split off from the warlocks, they both already knew blink
uh Hunters did participate in the battle of Twilight Gap. there is a cloak that was made in memory of this retard..
That void that the hunters took in the TTK trailer was off a hunter who had previously been a night stalker. Just saying. :)
The hunters were on the ones that warned the city about the the fallen attack.
I was about to take an Arc Blade and cut you.
Edited by MediocreMiddie: 6/27/2015 7:23:08 AMNo they really do suck. [spoiler]jk I have one as well[/spoiler]
Your stupid
[quote]your stupid[/quote] Okay there jimmy.
Lol this