Oh man, that makes me wish I could go back and change it! What will people think now? My life is forever ruined
Be as sarcastic as you want please ^~^
I'm just enjoying you and the other clowns on here, so hey I might! Thanks for the permission pimp :)
Please don't call me that, I'd rather just be called by my sir name...YiffMaster the second. I'm glad your having a good time, feel free to use my threads as your playground ^^
What happened to Yiffmaster the first?
He yiffed someone's shlong too hard
Yeah that would do it. Btw: I saw on your profile that you are a fellow corgi lover, this instantly makes you ight in my book. Carry on sir, do yo thang
Why thank ya good sir
I apologize for miss judging you! Peace
It's no worry, I'm just trying to entertain myself using this thread x3