First off, I'm gonna state that I'm a hard core Day 1 gamer. I had a preorder on the game a year before release and doubled down on the season pass on launch day. AND I already have a preorder on The Taken King. I'm a clan leader and I've dumped close to 700+ hours on the game. I've supported and promoted both Bungie AND Destiny as an employee of a retail shop and have defended both at every point and turn.
But after seeing that Luke Smith interview, however, I do believe the time has come to pass off clan leadership, cancel my preorder on TTK and trade in my copy of Destiny. And I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.
I can't believe the sheer arrogance and ego I witnessed during that Eurogamer interview. I can't believe the tone with which he spoke to the interviewer - the disrespect, the flippant attitude, the complete and utter disdain shown to the gaming community.
I'm trying to believe that ALL of Bungie doesn't feel this way. But after the less than stellar content of both DLC packs, the lack of TTK options and rewards for loyal Day 1 gamers and the broken levelling system that punishes veterans and rewards noobs I'm starting to feel like maybe what Smith said might bear some weight.
Listen, I'm not a wallet for you to empty. I bust my behind for every penny and I CHOOSE where those limited funds are spent. One video will not make me throw my money at the screen. And Smith's insistence that the content being offered is worth REPURCHASING what I've already bought is a g-o-d-d-a-m-n insult of the highest order.
New gamers may get the benefit of a $70 GOTY edition with TDB and HOW, but it makes no sense why I should pay a combined total of $135+ and STILL be missing content while being forced to buy both DLC packs and the full game TWICE just to play the new expansion.
Bungie may not feel the way Smith does but the damage that caveman did to both Bungie and Destiny is colossal. And unless Bungie pulls a rabbit out of its hat, the damage may be irreversible.
I will wait and see what Bungie has to say before I make my final decision. And then I will speak with my wallet. DeeJ, I hope what you have to say is better than Smith. And, if you want them to stick around longer, I hope it's more respectful of the fan base that supported you guys throughout the first year.
Edited by HaPpYDude007: 6/23/2015 8:10:16 PMAs if Luke Smith interview wasn't inflammatory enough (he was worked with 1up and Kokatu previously, so he's not clueless ) , the arrogance shown by Deej's comments (CE soldout go on eBay to buy it overpriced) tells me there's a disconnect between what Bungie defines as listening to the community, fan loyalty, and being about the $$$. I come from a corporate world. I get it. It's a business and you have to make money. Getting $500M indebted to a publisher is huge. But there are better solutions that could've been provided. I have been a Bungie fan for many years. Ever since Halo 1, I've played and read anything I could get my hands on with the Halo universe and lore. So imagine my excitement when Destiny was announced with all of the aforementioned features. Initally, I pre-ordered the Limited Edition Destiny Bundle for PS4, in addition to the white PS4. I waited to see the official reviews (which mysteriously took almost two weeks after launch) and customer reviews to hold final judgement. I'm so glad I returned my limited edition PS4 game copy. I instead grabbed an amazing deal far below the retail price, and bought it for both systems as I had friends on both platforms. I drank the kool-aid. I have over 10+ days worth of game time. I'm 34 on all characters. 100% achievements. I'm level 30 on all PS4 characters. I loved what bungie did and stood for. They were in my eyes that last golden studio who cared about fans, but not anymore. There's a lot to like: The game design is beautiful, the soundtrack if fantastic, and the gameplay is tight. But after Luke Smith / Deej comments and the egregious greed on exclusivity and pricing from Bungie/Activision I'm done with it. The over zealousness and cockiness that transpired showed the true colors. They clearly don't care to about us and address the myriad of other issues that are continuously being posted everyday, while Bungie claims to be listening to their fans (thinking about Guardian facial hair implementation is not listening to the major issues). I truly believe from a game environment/design standpoint they have hit a wall in terms of what adjustments and tweaks they can make due to the limitations of the older gen systems. The recent comments from Deej in regards to Year 1 ascended weapons and vault space ( , skip to the 10:30, 12:20 mark) make my investments in all the work of weapon collecting and ascending moot. ALL THAT HARD WORK for what? Come Sept 15th I will walk away from this game. I'm going to be heartbroken for a bit. This was one of my first exposure to social gaming on this level. Truly addicting experience. I'm really grateful for all the player friends I've made along the way. Hope to play you guys on other triple AAA titles coming this fall and next year.