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originally posted in: So, for $59.95 I get...
6/19/2015 11:12:20 PM
They are screwing us over with this, but it isn't Bungie. It's Activision. Activision is the one who made Destiny the way it is today, and they are the reason that we have DLC in the first place. Originally, Bungie wanted to release the full game. They were done with it a year before its actual release date, they were working on Other content at the time (free content that would be added on plus other feature to the game). But Activision just wanted to make money, so they gutted all of the current DLC from the original game plus much more content and sold most of the content to us. Basically, Activison said, "Well, so many people bought Destiny and that paid off our money contribution to Destiny, so let's make some more cash while we're at it." Bungie employees have left, including the original composer of Halo's music, and their storywriter quit. Bungie is controlled by Activison. But the thing is, Bungie needed funding for Destiny (apparently Destiny was the most expensive game ever to create, though I can't tell you the exact amount). But if Bungie didn't let Activison gut the game, Activison would leave, and there would be no Destiny. Bungie sacrificed themselves to get the game out. Please, repost this, get the word out. I want everyone to know the truth.

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