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6/17/2015 11:52:23 PM
Whoa bud nice try but hold up on your victory dance there. I don't get your little Bungie analogy at all. You are taking a different angle by putting the responsibility on the developer or movie studio. My point was that some if not the majority of the responsibility falls on the brother/parents. No one wants to accept the fact that they are to blame and are quick to point fingers. This is what's wrong with society as a whole so don't feel alone. I myself am even guilty of this, I don't claim to be perfect. I never said the bad guys in the op's post were correct in what they did nor do I think they aren't douche bags because they are. The level of naivety shown by you and the op to expect every online encounter to go exactly how their little fantasy script created in their minds reads is evident my friend. I'm not saying you shouldn't let your child play games like this, simply take responsibility as a parent/mentor and properly educate them BEFORE you those them to what we all surely know is an ultimately cruel world. This way, they will be able to properly handle these situations and learn from them to become a better person. Good day

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