Hey guys,
I'm starting this post to help those without current access to the Xbox Preview Program get invited. If you are already in the program, please help by sending a few invites.
I myself still need an invite to the program. Please invite me so we can help everyone in need, Gt: EMTaylor1
Once I get in, I will try to help others through this post.
Post Gamertag in comments. If you get invited, please help and invite another person after yourself!
Edit1: for those waiting for invites in the comments, I too and waiting, and once I get in I will do my best to invite those waiting.
Edit2: still waiting to be able to help..
Edit3: I really want to help everyone here, but until some kind sole invites me, I can't invite any others. Sorry guys but if someone makes it happen, everyone will win. But I'm waiting too, so don't fret.
Edit4: Hey everyone, I still have not been invited, so I can't yet help, still. So if anyone viewing this is able to help and send some invites would be great to help the community. I'll update again if/when I am able to send invites, and I hope everyone will be able to be included soon.
PLZ IVT ME MY GT: Epic Gamer65 plz ivt me