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Edited by jackdubs25: 6/18/2015 12:44:24 AM

So this guy was a complete asshole to my little brother...

JUST NOW MY BROTHER BEAT SKOLAS AGAIN-AND GOT REWARDS THIS TIME! My 11 year old brother came to me in tears just now. He had just beaten Skolas with two other guys and IMMEDIATELY got kicked right after Skolas went down. Then, this guy invited his friend to get the rewards, and started being a complete dick to my little brother for no reason. My brother said they called him "really mean names," and I frankly don't want to think about what that could mean. Why do people do this? I don't understand. I don't care if it's the Internet and people can be dickheads over anonymity, this is horrible. My brother shouldn't come to me crying because of some dickhead loser kicking him from the treasure room. Edit: to those who don't believe me, check my bro's history "Donald Doge" Edit 2: bro just told me he was kicked right after Skolas went down, so he didn't even get the drops. I had gotten that part wrong, but I edited it now Edit 3: Someone researched this guy and apparently he's the Xbox Live version of KirmitTHEFrog, he kicks everyone and invites his friends after completing activities. I can't post gamertags, but if you could do me the favor of finding my bro's Skolas match from earlier today and report that guy, it'd be great Edit 4: I can't believe this community. The kid who glitched and got his characters deleted got nothing but support, yet my brother who beat Skolas, got kicked AND cursed at by adults is being told he shouldn't have been doing that. -blam!-ing really guys? I'm done with this site. Yeah, I should've monitored it better, I'm doing that from now on, but seriously?! I doubt many of you have kids or younger siblings. Smh

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  • My advice. Don't lfg. Haven't in 3 months.

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  • This is the reason I don't play with randoms, you will always get one who goes out of his/her way to spoil other people fun. Unfortunately your brother learnt the hard way but on a positive note in future he will be more cautious about who he plays with. Rotten people will always be rotten.

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  • You meet a lot of jokers online. Not all just the one who think its funny to be a complete jerk.

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  • That's a dick move, hope they got nothing good in the end.

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  • Maybe your 11 year old brother isn't old enough to play adult online games yet moron. Take better control of what he plays and open your eyes to the fact that people are harsh online.

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    9 Replies
    • I had the opposite experience I invited 2 forum guys that turned out to be kids, probably about 12-13. We were at Skolas and I basically couldn't be arsed to continue at that point so I just left them with the checkpoint, hope they got something good in the end

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    • Xbox community smh

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    • Listen I have 2 younger brothers that grew up on Xbox as I had it&they would play,eventually each getting their own..That being said I always told them to play w/Family+Friends only bc they way people talk,Esp in tense games kids don't need to hear it THAT young. I went off to College n as my roommates n I would play Halo CoD anything I'd make sure they were in my party ect. Destiny lM0 is not for 11Yr0lds bud, from what Ive experienced(Nd I've played w/Great Ppl far more than DBags)I would let him play story,patrol what have u&not let him use a mic for alittle-I kno were not parents&2some it sounds Bat$hit crazy but U should get where I'm coming from,they don't use a mic4random 0nline games,they won't hear the was a Di¢k move no doubt but think ABT it a little..

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    • Highly doubt they beat skolas, kicked your kid brother, wiped, and then went on to beat skolas again with friends. You can't join POE without a wipe on the boss round iirc.

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    • Sorry to hear it. Nothing good about that.....

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      1 Reply
      • I don't think people can join after Skolas gets beat. I do feel bad your little bro got treated badly though. That dude is a douche!

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      • Didn't know people could join after beating Skolas and before opening the chest. In all my experiences everyone must wipe in order for someone to come in on the final round. Additionally, when you wipe -even after killing the boss - the round starts over (hence elder cypher boss glitch). I'm curious about the mechanics of this. I doubt anybody I play with will let me experiment with rewards on the line. Can anyone confirm this can be done?

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        8 Replies
        • This is an opportunity to teach your little brother about real life douch bags (they are plenty in the world as well as Destiny community). Btw, sympathy is not accepted in this toxicity forum. Better post it elsewhere

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        • Hey Man I feel you and your bro. I'm glad to see that you watch after you're brother and actually care for him. I got a bro and he acts like absolute trash to the family just to be accepted by people. I'm sorry what happened and hope your brother doesn't take on those words.

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        • Sucks man feel for the kid don't understand hate towards young gamers! No one should talk to kids that way

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        • I feel sorry for your little brother, it's sad no one else seems to care about him. Best of luck with him beating skolas again. If he uses Xbox one, have him add me under same name as this. And I can help him with skolas. I haven't done it but not only will I not kick him. But I don't swear as it makes me more friendly to the littler audience

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        • Donald doge is like 30 yrs old

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        • I have one 12 year old son and another 7 year old son, I don't let my kids come near these kinds of games or talk on the Internet with strangers. Maybe you should be a big brother and delete his destiny account.

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          6 Replies
          • I still call bs on this entire story. Kid probably lied through his teeth about the entire thing. The only form of proof is the word of an 11 year old. Kids lie to cover things up all the time. Prove your little brother didn't do anything at all to provoke the kick ( if it even happened ). The onus is on you to provide proof... He probably lipped off to them like most kids do.

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          • He's not even old enough to legally be playing? But yeah the name calling and bullying is definitely out of control in the Destiny adult community.

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          • Edited by ShadowAnarchist: 6/18/2015 5:23:58 AM
            All I can say to this is, try to teach your brother to lighten up. and I don't mean teach him to play it off as a joke, I mean, let him know that there will be other opportunity's in the future.

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          • Mods please ban his brother since he is 2 years below teen and because he is a scrub

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            2 Replies
            • Edited by the lone wolf : 6/18/2015 5:24:42 AM
              That's messed up man people shouldn't do that to anyone not just kids. I feel sorry for him

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            • Greed that's all I'm saying

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              4 Replies
              • Sorry man, people in the game and on here can be pretty lame.

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              • Age has nothing to do with this people by this post I assume the little man did nothing wrong. Some people are just like this because they have power over these kids and abuse it.

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