I haven't (technically) done a raid. One of my friends invited me to a Templar checkpoint (back when I was in the level 20s) and we tried for an hour or two. We got close one time but some supplicants surprised us. Anyway, I have only failed a small section of VOG and have (but haven't even touched) CE. Message me on weekends on Xbox 360, Ubermorph3000. I have a headset but I'm not a squeaker, so don't worry. Also, since that was a long time ago I now have a 33 Sunsinger and a 28 Gunslinger (and a 13 Striker lol)
I guess me and you are in the same boat my friend lol. I too have tried a few times to complete the VOG but it never works out in the end either to people leaving or lag. I also don't have any friends on 360 that play Destiny so it makes it that much more difficult to play. If you want, send a message to me anytime and do the vog. My gt is the same as above
Nice nice
Guys, I posted last night looking for a run through, if you fancy working together as half a team with help from the OP and his clan, send me an add and we could run the raids together?
Yeah I would do that
I've been doing that too. I either try to do Crota alone or VoG at certain cp and then we just wipe after several attempts and it's done haha. This post is great. I too am on 360 gt same.