EDIT 2: Lost Sol has this idea and I am in full support of it, are you?
like it and bump it up if you are, thank you again for your continued support
OP: I post this as a question to Bungie, please do not reply with a philosophy
the community wishes for optional matchmaking or a in-game LFG system, would you care to respond to there feedback that you continuously remove from trending and highest rated?
before you answer please read this post by Lost Sols
he highlights many valid points and these are shared throughout the community and a poll by gallp13
showing the current difference, it is only 1000 or so votes but shows a clear divide
if you wish to make Bungie notice please like and comment, I will however be ignoring posts until Bungie answer the question, I will also be muting anyone who throws around insults e.g. calling someone or a group of people kids, this discussion is for those who respect each other's opinions.
thank you
Edit: the lates news from forbes
So in principal I generally disagree with mm for raids and nightfalls since these activities require vast amounts of cooperation and coordination. That being said I have come to change my mind recently in so much as that at the very least everyone should have an opportunity to try these activities and I fail to see how optional mm (something you opt into) would hurt the game). One things for sure if they tried it at least on a trail basis it would undoubtedly put an end to this debate.