The amount of time it takes to make money gaming could probably net you a much higher income if you spent that time pursuing pretty much anything else. They must just love doing it, so you can't really bash them for that
Some streamers and you tubers have made more in the last 3-6 years than the working class / middle class will ever make in their working life
It depends on your definition of working class though I still think this statement is a gross exaggeration.
Edited by DeAdLyCoG: 6/9/2015 6:28:53 PMWorking class is pretty much just getting by maybe have a little saving.. And if you mean my statement is a gross exaggeration, Google some of these streamers/youtubers earnings and you WILL be surprised.
I love gaming but it shouldn't be a job. It's a hobby.
People make games for a living. Playing them can be just as profitable as anything. This statement is like saying that professional athletes should do it all for fun only. Retarded.