originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
Hey guys!
I'm looking into the possibility of creating an application that can help with map and strategy analysis for Crucible. Really, I'm interested in creating something similar to the ToO heat maps show in the weekly updates. I doubt this kind of data is accessible, but was curious whether or not you think something like this is possible?
If not currently available, I'd like to add it to the feature suggestion list. However, I'm having a hard time thinking of a way to map user movement through a crucible map as an easily accessible JSON output. Any ideas?
I don't think that data is accessible, but it would definitely be interesting. As far as the output goes (and assuming it's the same as what's been in the weekly update), you could build it as a 2D array of objects. [ [ { ... }, { ... }, ... ], //top row ... [ { ... }, { ... }, ... ], [ { "heatIndex": 3 }, { ... }, ... ], //bottom row ] Then if you wanted the heat index (or something) from bottom left cell you'd just need to access json[0][0].heatIndex. However, if what you're wanting to do is [i]navigate[/i] through the map with a pathfinding algorithm, a good place to start is [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm]the A* algorithm[/url].