I was listening to a Destiny soundtrack and i imagined a live action scene where 2 guardians or so are resting their elbows on the railing at the tower spawn looking out at the traveler and city, i began to imagine how awesome a live action series would be and all the stuff they could have in it and thought i should post this. As long as its not pure action, theres gotta be tower scenes and such, a Destiny live action would be amazing. I doubt they will do it but hey, if Bungie were to see this post and if a lot of people agree then they just might but it is time and money consuming so i dont know. but I for one would love to watch a destiny live action series. I loved the trailer and the characters in it and that was only like 2-3 min long video or something. Personally i think this would also make up for the lack of story on the disc. Sure theirs Grimoire but, not to offend Bungie, the story on the disc wasn't that great especially after hearing how much was cut like being kidnapped and stuff? not sure exactly what it was. I still love the game though! and i would love to see something like a live action so share down in the comments about your views and hopefully Bungie sees this, maybe they'll do it.
The fanboy is strong in this one. Lol