Honestly, at this point, it's ridiculous. Teams are using this overpowered gun to defeat bosses without actually playing though their mechanics.
And for those of you who think I'm a "casual scrub", check my stats.
I wanna nerf this post pls
Damn scrubs
It wouldn't need it if you NEEDED to grind through stuff. With RNG, you'll need to do it several times over to get everything. Beat it legit once then have to do it over and over again gets old. You just try whatever method will get it done and over with the fastest.
Agree m8. They just wont grind the game or bosses. But it makes everything easier :D
Even though this is bait, I kind of agree. But I don't have gjallerhorn, so what do I know?
It has been nerfed already...
It's almost as good as super good advice. It does a lot of damage but can it endlessly shoot oracles in level 26 vog????
Edited by RedFaceGeneral : 6/2/2015 6:59:14 AMInstead of nerfing gally, Bungie should buff other rocket launchers. Look at those weapons with cluster bomb perk like hunger of crota, the secondary bomblets deal almost zero damage since day one.
Some men just want to watch the world burn
I think it's better to just find ways where people can't use Gjallarhorn that way. Such as the Crota fight where only one person can damage his actual health and it has to be with a special weapon. The issue is with basic game mechanics on the bosses. Not Gjallarhorn.
Silly, scrub! Nerfs are for n00bs!
Edited by Zone: 6/2/2015 7:00:07 AMSo? Just because you dont have 1 doesn't mean it deserves a 'nerf' as you say. Seriously. Play Nightfalls or Strikes: its called RNG for a Reason. You just complaining because players like us who actually play and SAVED OUR STRANGE COINS AND BOUGHT or GOT IT AS A REWARD. We deserve it- Go take your RANT somewhere else.
I don't have it and there isn't a boss I haven't killed.
But when some people are trying to do all the raids, nightfalls, bounties and PoE on all three characters then the GHorn is probably the best gun for the job. Plus why are you moaning about a gun that helps lower the ridicules grind in the game?
I agree
No m8 it is the most sought after gun in the because its OP and it should stay that way.
Yeah, how dare they use that weapon that was added into the game. Seriously, just shut the hell up. I can't take much more of this idiotic community. Nerf this, nerf that, nerf fu[i]c[/i]king [i]everything[/i].
Let's nerf you scrub..and i dont own one!
Guys, I think this guy is serious. He has ' not bait' in the tags. Why would anyone put that there if this was bait? ;)
This is why I hate going on the forums nothing but let downs everywhere
You have 410 kills with it. You know nothing about it. God I hate ignorant morons.
yeah now that i have 3 , they should nerf the drop rate so you can continue to play without it.
At this point its ridiculous that 9 year olds keep complaining to nerf a boss killing weapon.