Post what you looking for and please tell if your good at crucible.
Very good, good, average, not bad, bad, or sucks.
Post your PSN your level what you need
Add me if your good in crucible im looking for good ones im trying to do flawless run.
Im playing trials right now so add me if you are good
Psn: katok047
Pvp: very good
Need good people for trials psn drakometor
Trials anyone? Requirements: 34, good, and Warlock (or) Titan would be awesome. PSN: thecaptainv-neck
Need one add me. Same name as above
Need two for trials add:soularflares
Looking for a 34 to help with trials
Looking for start a team for ToO. I'm a Lvl34 Hunter-Golden Gun. I have a thorn. I have a mic as we'll. I'm going for flawless. I already did two flawless. Looking for two people that's like me. Requirements: Must have a mic. Must have completed a flawless once. Must have thorn. Must be mature. Add VenaTic_Vortex. I don't add people, so you wanting do it with me there no playing around you add me.
Trials of Osiris flawless add: jaidenkilla9 (level 34 warlock) [MUST BE GOOD AT PvP AND MUST HAVE A MIC]
Lvl 34 hunter with mic and maxed thorn willing to do trials. Gt same as name
Need experienced player
Need a 32+ for ToO.
Looking for start a team for ToO. I'm a Lvl34 Hunter-Golden Gun. I have a thorn. I have a mic as we'll. I'm going for flawless. I already did two flawless. Looking for two people that's like me. Requirements: Must have a mic. Must have completed a flawless once. Must have thorn. Must be mature. Add VenaTic_Vortex. I don't add people, so you wanting do it with me there no playing around you add me.
Need 1 more for this trials run add silent_storm13
Need 1 level 33 or 34 for Trials to go 9-0. Add same name as above (PS3)
Looking for start a team for ToO. I'm a Lvl34 Hunter-Golden Gun. I have a thorn. I have a mic as we'll. I'm going for flawless. I already did two flawless. Looking for two people that's like me. Requirements: Must have a mic. Must have completed a flawless once. Must have thorn. Must be mature. Add VenaTic_Vortex. I don't add people, so you wanting do it with me there no playing around you add me.
Need one for trials add SteveRees
Any 34's wanna do trials
Looking for start a team for ToO. I'm a Lvl34 Hunter-Golden Gun. I have a thorn. I have a mic as we'll. I'm going for flawless. I already did two flawless. Looking for two people that's like me. Requirements: Must have a mic. Must have completed a flawless once. Must have thorn. Must be mature. Add VenaTic_Vortex. I don't add people, so you wanting do it with me there no playing around you add me.
Need 1 Player for too Have a micc Be SKILLED Psn: lolgutten
LFM or LFG to Trials - Flawless run. Must be exceptionally skilled in PvP. Mic is required. 34 only please.
Edited by OSLIVE: 5/31/2015 3:32:48 AMHaven't been able to find a team willing enough to do trials since launch. Still haven't played 1 match I have two lvl 32's and a 31. And I am decent enugh to kick your ass lol. Na really though can get tactical and play my part. Would be most appreciated.
Hey can people carry me through trials (im good at pvp) lvl 34 warlock psn: michajon213
Level 34 warlock looking for trials group. Have a mic and be 34 with experience.
LFM or LFG to Trials - Flawless run. Must be exceptionally skilled in PvP. Mic is required. 34 only please.
Looking for start a team for ToO. I'm a Lvl34 Hunter-Golden Gun. I have a thorn. I have a mic as we'll. I'm going for flawless. I already did two flawless. Looking for two people that's like me. Requirements: Must have a mic. Must have completed a flawless once. Must have thorn. Must be mature. Add VenaTic_Vortex. I don't add people, so you wanting do it with me there no playing around you add me.
Lvl 34 hunter with vex looking for good team mates that are 34 with max weapons
Add me